Chapter 7- Consequences

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I woke up the next day feeling a little dizzy from the lack of sleep I got. I mean I was planning on sleeping till noon but Shawn woke me up angrily.

"Get up we need to talk." he ordered in a very serious tone.

"Whaaat" I yawned annoyed.

He took the blankets off me and threw them on the floor.

"Stop being annoying let me sleep."

"Right after you explain what this is." he was holding some papers faced down in his hand. "Where were you last night?"

"In bed right next to you." I nervously replied.

"You're doing it again. You're lying to my face without a second thought."

"What are you talking about?"

"I can't believe this Emma. I never thought you'd ever do that to me. You of all people." he tossed the papers on the bed and I took a look at them.

No. No way. How did- ughhh!

They were pictures of last night, but the worst part is that they were taken out of context. There was one of Kevin touching my butt with my head facing the opposite direction of the camera. There was one with Rodrick's arm around my waist and one with me unzipping my own dress from the front. They even captured the moment when Rodrick and I were shaking hands.

They literally managed to get me to do it myself so that nothing I say right now would make the situation any better. How do I explain to him that Rodrick was whispering something about the agreement and not trying to seduce me in that last picture.

I can't even tell him about the agreement in the first place, he'll freak out. He specifically told me not to go back to Pengale. I hate myself so much for going behind his back. I should've known there was a reason they'd both be there, so that one of them would film.

"I-I don't even know what to say. You're definitely not going to believe me but I didn't cheat on you." I sighed knowing he thought I was manipulating him.

"Of course you weren't, his hand just accidentally slipped to your ass Emma."

"No listen to me, neither of them had my permission to touch me. And I got their hands off of me the second they put it on, but the picture was taken before that had happened." I tried to explain myself but Shawn didn't seem to be affected by my words.

"Let me guess, he forced you to shake his hand didn't he? He forced you to sneak out while I was asleep. He forced you to wear a slutty dress. He forced you to unzip your dress and shove your boobs in his face. What else did they force you to do?" he said angrily.

Well I mean part of it was quite right actually. He did make me wear a slutty dress, but who am I kidding? I wasn't forced. I could've at least told Shawn I was going, but I didn't.

"Shawn listen I know this looks bad but trust me there's an explanation behind every single one of these pictures. None of this is what it looks like, please just-"

"No. Nothing you say right now will make the situation any less shitty. Even if you didn't want them touching you, -which I don't believe by the way- you still can't explain going behind my back. Why did you sneak out Emma? Why?" he waited for an answer but the truth is, I didn't have one.

How do I tell him that it's because he would've told me not to go? That'll only make him suspect me even more. And out of all of this what bothered me the most was that he thought I had cheated on him. To be honest, I can't blame him. They made it seem like I did. They had proof, and I, I had nothing.

"You're right. That I can't explain." I whispered looking down feeling ashamed of myself.

Silence erupted in the room and I felt my temperature starting to rise.

"Leave." he said.


"Just leave. I can't be around you anymore."

"But- but- I didn't cheat. I really didn't. Shawn look at me. I'm many things, an idiot, someone who makes really bad decisions, someone that will devour every bit of food on earth, maybe even consider me irrational, but I'm not a cheater." I got off the bed and stood right in front of him. "I swear, I didn't cheat on you."

"I don't care. This doesn't change much."

"You have till midnight to find a place to stay at, and when you do, I'll drive you there. You can keep your job at the library but we're done." His words stung me like a freaking scorpion.

"Shawn please don't," a tear shed from my eye and I tried to prevent the rest of them from falling. "I don't want to go."

"I'm sorry Em. Truly." he exited the room giving me some privacy, and then left the house.

With everything going on, Shawn was the only thing making me smile. He was the only reason I didn't cry myself to sleep every night. He was all I had, and now I lost him.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. There was a little pink note on the table.

"Morning sweetheart, if you woke up to an empty bed, that probably means it's already noon. I have to get to work, my vacation days are over. Don't worry I'll be back at 3. By the way we ran out of honey nut cheerios, but I'll get you some on my way home. Love you ;)"

I'm guessing he wrote that before receiving the photos. I really messed up.

My thoughts soon wandered to something else; why did they tell him? I know Kevin is a jerk, but he always had a reason for every single one of his moves. How could creating conflict between me and Shawn possibly serve him?

Did he just want me to be alone and vulnerable so he could enjoy watching me sink in my own regrets? I have a feeling that there's something else going on in his twisted mind.

None of that mattered. All I could think of was Shawn, Shawn, and Shawn.

I don't want things to end. But they already did though didn't they?

*Sooo what do you guys think? Is anyone mad at Shawn? Or are you mad at Emma?*

Plz leave a vote before you scroll down to the next chapter!

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