Chapter 19-The Game

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Two days had passed and it was almost midnight. I was both exhausted and anxious, for many reasons. First off, the fact that I had no clue why Shawn and I were here in the first place. I mean sure, we were supposed to save Caroline, but there are literally zero threats to her safety...yet.

King Thomas was definitely sketchy, it's nothing he said or did, but Kevin bluntly told me that he's planning on killing Caroline by the end of August. And today, is the first of August, so that's kind of ticking me off. But then again Kevin could've been lying- WAIT. Was this all a set up? Did he say that because he knew I'd come back if he had said that? I don't like the sound of that so let's just rewind a little bit.

My necklace glowed twice while we were in our realm, and Caroline said she had felt sudden pain. That doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it could have something to do with our
little mission.

"Emma, are you alright?" Shawn's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked, looking in his direction.

"Because you've been staring at the wall like it had woken you up early on a Saturday."

I chuckled at his words. "I'm just... thinking about stuff, one of them being that we need to figure out your way back. You know, like when we're done with all of this, how would you leave this realm? I've already completed my way out, but what about yours?" the thought had just crossed my mind but I was quick to let him know about it.

Shawn's smile disappeared shortly after I said that, and I kind of felt bad for ruining his mood.

"Don't worry about it. We'll look into it in the morning." He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his forehead against mine.

"I can't stop thinking about it though," I said, pulling away from him and looking in the opposite direction.

Shawn let out a loud sigh, before he approached me again and held me from the back.

"You're worried. I can help you relax, make you forget about all of this. Let me take your mind to a much more pleasant place," he whispered huskily in my ear.

I scoffed at his words. "I'm not in the mood."

"You will be, very, very soon." he tightened his arms around me and kissed me right below my earlobe. I was determined to resist him and not give in, but he kind of made it a little hard when he slid his hand under my shirt, letting his fingers trail over my stomach.

I stood still, refusing to give in.

When he began tugging on the hem of my shirt and lifting it upwards, I realized that he wanted to take it off. "Shawn I told you I'm not feeling it, and I don't want to be topless. I'm not even wearing a bra."

He completely ignored me and took it off anyway. "Neither am I, but you don't see me complaining." I couldn't help but laugh at his words, I mean, he has a point.

Manipulative bastard.

He took that opportunity to unbutton my jeans, and slide them off. When I wouldn't kick them off because I was too stubborn and insisted not to do anything, he carried me out of them.

"Alright, I get it. You don't want to f*ck tonight. You know I won't force you, so if you're sure, then whatever." I would've taken Shawn's words way more seriously if he wasn't taking off his shirt as he said them.

He knew I liked his chest, because, well, how could I not? He had four pack abs, and I like them way more than a six pack. Not to mention he shaves regularly, so his skin is always smooth. He had a light tan from his summer vacation in Miami, and it suited him very well.

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