Chapter 27- What I'd Do For You

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What I'd Do For You
Chapter 27- What I'd Do For You
(Major event in the story so be sure to read)

Emma's POV

I had just finished brushing my hair when I heard a knock on my door. It's probably Shawn, so I'm not going to open it. That's what he gets for leaving without telling me where he's going. I mean, I've never been the overly curious type, but things are different when we're in a mythical place where a wizard gives us life or death tasks.

He knocked again.

"I'm not opening it you asshole," I hollered, and received nothing but silence from the other side of the door.

"Em open the door." His voice was a mere whisper and for a second there I thought I had imagined it.
"Say you're sorry for being a douche." I said, leaning my head on the door.
"I'm sorry for being a douche?" he obeyed me. Go me!

I finally let him in, and suddenly got so embarrassed when I saw his face.

It wasn't Shawn.

I stepped to the side for him to enter, and he did.
"Umm, what exactly did I apologize for?" he ran a hand through his hair as I closed the door behind him.

"Nothing. Pretend it never happened." I let out a sigh, gosh Emma would it kill you to check who's there before you start blabbing? "What are you doing here? How'd you even get in?"

"I might or might not have put all the guards in the kingdom to sleep." He looked away from me, and tried to hide the grin on his face. I stared at him with wide eyes, waiting for him to tell me he was joking.

Still waiting. Anytime now...

"Oh you're serious?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Care to explain why you did all that to see me?"

The grin on his face disappeared as a serious expression took over his features. "He's here. Rodrick."

Oh god this literally SUCKS.
Did he have to come? Couldn't he keep his distance?
"How do you know?" I asked him.

"I can sense it. Don't ask unless you're prepared for a class about wizardry." he warned, somewhat playful.
"Okay so what do you want me to do about it?" I'm not sure I actually wanted to know, but I still asked.
"We're going to go through with our plan."

He didn't need to explain any further, I knew exactly what he was referring to.

Moments after our conversation had ended, my foot started itching and my shoes felt uncomfortable. I took it off and frowned as I picked up the piece of paper from it

"Great. Just great." I muttered under my breath.
"What is it?" Luther asked, sounding worried.
I ignored him as I unfolded the paper and read it.

'You owe me a favour don't you? It's payback time. Meet me at the tower outside the castle as soon as you hear the clock.'


"Good news I know where he is." I announced happily. "But they're something I have to do before killing him."

Luther raised his brow at me, awaiting further explanation.  "And that is?"

I sighed. "Look the deal I made with him involves me owing him a favour, and if I refuse, Shawn dies."

"We'll kill him anyway, you don't have to do what he wants." While I agreed with what he said, I also didn't want to back out. A deal is a deal, I've lived by that motto my entire life.

Before I got to say anything, a sharp sound filled the air and I unintentionally jumped. It took me a few seconds to recognize the sound; it was the clock.

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