Chapter 17- Tick Tock

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The way home was exhausting. Well, I wouldn't really call it home. I hated that place, Pengale, I mean. Apparently the hidden spots were connected, so basically the three kingdoms and the one island were all in the same realm. The Dark Realm, as I like to call it. Don't get me wrong, it's quite sunny there, but nothing good ever happens in it.

We've been walking for three days now, and the only nutrition we got was from the snacks Caroline had brought with her.

"Hey guys," I spoke up, getting everyone's attention. "Something weird kept happening before we came here. The necklace Caroline gave me would randomly start glowing and then it would stop. Does anyone know why?" I asked while holding the snowflake shaped necklace.

Caroline shrugged, seeming clueless about what was happening. As for Luther, he seemed lost in thought.

Shawn wrapped his arm around my waist as we kept walking through the woods. "Caroline, didn't that necklace belong to your mother?" Luther asked, leaving us all wondering how this was relevant.

"Uh, yes. It did." she told him.

"I gave it to her a long time ago, it has many abilities. Glowing at specific times is just one of them." he went on.

"When exactly is it supposed to glow?" this time, it was Shawn who asked.

"When its former owner is in pain. When I gave it to Lydia, Caroline's mother, it only glowed once, when Rodrick and I were in a fight. Since Caroline gave it to you, you will be alerted whenever she's in pain." Luther had stopped walking to make sure we all heard him clearly.

It took me a minute to process what he told us, but I eventually understood.

"You were in pain?" said Nick, tilting his head to look at Caroline.

"Well, sometimes I used to feel like my insides were burning. But it didn't happen often."

No one spoke for the rest of the day, and the sun had already gone an hour ago. It was getting really dark.

"Alright everyone that's enough for today. Take your blankets and make yourselves comfortable. I'll make a fire." Luther opened his backpack and handed each one of us a blanket. That's how we slept last night and the one before.

Since Shawn and I were comfortable sleeping together, we decided to put my blanket beneath us and cover ourselves with his. It was better than putting our heads directly on the ground where the insects were.

Nick excused himself to go pee. "Lucky bastards," said Caroline irritated.

I looked at her with a grin on my face, and she continued. "They can just pee behind a tree within seconds while we have to completely undress. Not fair."

"I know right! They don't even get their periods." I agreed with her.

"Hey it's not like you're getting your period right now so why are you complaining?" Shawn chuckled and ran his hand over my head, messing up my hair.

"Wait what do you mean you're not getting your period? Are you taking a pill?" Caroline furrowed her eyebrows.

Shawn and I gave each other a knowing look once we realised we hadn't told them I was pregnant yet.

"Well, uh, I'm pregnant." I breathed out.

Caroline's eyes widened before she opened her mouth again.

"Is it his?" she looked over at Shawn, who had his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"I don't know."

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