Chapter 29- Sick Joke

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"But I- he- Rodrick said he poisoned him and- and hid him somewhere," I sniffled, unable to process what had happened.

"Well clearly he lied to you. Did he tell you where the antidote would be?"

I nodded and pointed at the small container that sat on the table. "This thing."

While Luther went to check it out, I clung to Shawn like my life depended on it. My hands cupped his face, trying to get him to open his eyes. I soon realized it was pointless, and decided to check his pulse. "Come on baby, please." I whispered as I placed my thumb on his wrist.

"I knew it." Luther muttered. "There is no antidote. It's colored water."

The whole thing was a sick joke. I always knew Rodrick was a jerk, but getting me to kill Shawn myself for his own pleasure... well I just didn't expect it.

"Umm, Luther?" I breathed out. "I don't feel anything. Could you try?"

He motioned for me to move aside, and I did. Perhaps his heart was still beating but it was me who failed to notice it. Blaming my senses is the only thing stopping me from completely breaking down right now.

I can't let him die like Nick.


My eyes started to water at the thought of him. There's no point in trying to hold back my tears at this point.

"He's alive." Luther announced. "I think."
"What do you mean you think? Is his heart beating or not?" I asked, getting impatient.

"It is but it's fading. We need to get him to the doctor. Now." Without saying another word, I lifted Shawn's legs off the ground while Luther held his upper body in a firm grip, and we carried him out of the tower.

I almost tripped twice on the million steps that seemed to lead to that tower. Once we reached the main gates, I was certain of Luther's words when he said he had put all the guards to sleep. There were a bunch of them literally just lying on the ground wherever we went.

"Won't the locals get suspicious?" I asked him.

"About that, they're also taking a nap..." he said sheepishly.

"Is anyone in this entire building awake?" I lead Luther through the hallways and began going up the stairs, Shawn's legs still in my hands.

He raised his brows. "Ugh, no. Not really. As a matter of fact, we're going to have to wake up the doctor when we get there." He increased his speed and I had to do the same with mine.

I scoffed. "Unbelievable."

We finally made it to the infirmary and I was eager to put Shawn on one of the empty beds. It's not just that he was heavy, but also the fact that we had to carry him through a looong way. I was quick to scan the room and realize all the beds were occupied.

"You have GOT to be kidding me." Luther muttered under his breath.
When he placed Shawn's upper body on the floor, I let go of his legs and stretched my back. Luther on the other hand, thought it would be okay for us to steal a patient's bed. He carried a young woman and tossed her -not so gently- on the ground.

"Luther!" I whisper-yelled.

"She'll be fine. Get Shawn up there while I search for the doctor. What does he even look like?"

I sighed, and looked across the room. All I could see were bodies I would've considered lifeless had they not been breathing. My eyes soon landed on a black haired man I seemed to recognize. "Him."

Luther followed my gaze and rushed to the doctor's side. I began dragging Shawn towards the bed while keeping an eye on the wizard I came with. He snapped his fingers repeatedly, and uttered a few words I failed to comprehend.

If this isn't some hypnosis shit I don't know what is.

Grunting, I lifted Shawn's body and gently placed him on the soft mattress.

"Who are you?" an alarmed voice made me look back. Ah, Doctor Jake has finally woken up.

"I'll tell you when you when you make sure he survives. Go." Luther demanded, yanking him off the ground.

The poor guy was clearly frightened, but I didn't care. As long as Shawn's lives, nothing else matters. Jake's eyes widened as he approached Shawn's unmoving body. "What happened to him?"

"Rodrick stabbed him, now move it." Luther answered him harshly.

"Wow man, if Rodrick wants him dead, I can't help you. I won't go against him." At that, I lost it. Whatever self control I had, was gone.

"Listen here you little shit! I don't know who qualified you to be the royal doc, but they clearly have the conscience of a tuna can. Now do your f*cking job before I murder you." I pulled his collar and pushed on his chest aggressively.

He nodded his head and scurried away from me.

"Emma I think you should wait outside. I'll call you as soon as he's done." Luther said softly.

I didn't want to leave, but he was right. The last thing they needed was a pregnant woman losing her shit and stressing them out even more. "Just, bring him back to me." I whispered, and when he nodded at me, I left the room.

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