Chapter 9

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The last time that I had been to a party, I had woken up in a bush. A freaking bush. I was praying to the Gods of the world that I would not wake up in a bush and that I would wake up in a comfy bed at least, as I applied my mascara onto my face. It was Saturday and the girls were forcing me to go to a birthday party - somebody that they know from school? Or a previous school maybe? I'm not honestly sure whose party it is, but after ignoring them all week and faking being off sick, I felt like I couldn't say no to this too.

I fluttered my eyelashes in an attempt to dry the mascara, the final step of my getting ready process. I gave myself a once over in the mirror, pairing black leather paper bag style shorts with a black bandeau on my top half - clearly showing off my midriff that I had tanned during my pity party in the pool this week. I had, however, opted for my converse - if I was getting really drunk then I wasn't going to embarrass myself falling over in heels. That would have been a recipe for disaster. Millie's house came loaded with alcohol from their kitchen, alcohol which Millie had happily brought upstairs while her parents were out walking the dog and that we were all getting drunk on before the party had even begun.

Being drunk was definitely one of my favourite feelings - to be able to forget absolutely everything and just be happy for a few hours, that's exactly what I needed tonight - just without the bush and the falling in the pool part. I had no idea who was going to this party, whether I would know anybody else except the girls... but my mind was starting to forget, the light buzz beginning to take over my body.

Millie's dad had agreed to drop us off at the party - even saying if we couldn't find a lift that he would come and fetch us all later, but if Millie drunk was anything like how Georgia described then she would definitely not need a lift home later. Therefore, I would not have a lift home later. That's a situation that drunk me can figure out though - I don't need that stress right now.

"So, who exactly is going to this party?" I queried nervously, suddenly hating the fact that I potentially know people - knowing people means people reminding you of your embarrassment later on in life. We were heading out towards her dad's car, Millie and Georgia both wearing heels and chattering their teeth like mad at how cold the temperature had dropped tonight. I must've had a lot more to drink than them already, because I hadn't even noticed the wind yet.

"Oh, the usual." Millie responded, before opening the car door and letting Georgia and I slide into the back seat. She began a conversation with her dad, leaving my head wondering about who classed as 'the usual'. Georgia was frantically texting away on her phone next to me, not noticing anything around her. I think I could throw something at her and she wouldn't even notice with the concentration on her face currently.

The party house was situated in a part of town that I had not ventured to since I'd moved back here - unfamiliar territory only added to the nerves that I was feeling. We climbed out of the car, all of us slightly more sober than when we had left, linking arms while wandering up to the fairly large house before us. The music was vibrating the entire street, with kids stumbling on the front lawn - the door to the house wide open, as if the party was an open invitation.

"Why, hello beautiful ladies! Welcome to my humble abode!" Noah screamed at us as we entered through the front door, making Georgia jump. He slurred his words entirely, whilst holding two large drinks in his hands - gulping each one down after talking to us and throwing the cups to the floor. He placed his arms around myself and Georgia, bringing us both into a hug before explaining how glad he is that we've arrived.

"Noah, this isn't your house?" Georgia questioned, her eyebrow raising in his direction. He pointed his finger to the air as if about to say something, before closing his eyes and stumbling backwards slightly. He reopened his eyes as if he had completely forgotten we were there, shouting to somebody down the hallway before disappearing out of sight. I definitely needed another drink after this encounter, being nowhere near on Noah's level yet. "Drinks?" Georgia shouted, as if reading my thoughts.

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