Chapter 18

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When I squeezed my eyes open the next morning, I realised that it wasn't morning at all - it had just turned noon. I rubbed my eyes before yawning, surprised at myself for making it through an entire night without having a nightmare. That is a rare occurrence for me at the minute, seeing as I can't remember the last time I had a peaceful dream.

I rolled over in bed, noticing the dent where Carter had obviously left to go to school. I wondered why he hadn't woken me up, but at the same time I was completely thankful for him allowing me to rest. I was about to head downstairs for some food, realising that I never did eat after seeing my mother last night - I felt as though I would pass out soon if I didn't eat, but suddenly I felt as though I could hear footsteps downstairs.

The patter of feet on the floorboards was very subtle, almost unnoticeable - but I had trained myself to hear even the slightest of sounds in this house, feeling as though I was being watched almost 24/7. I gently placed my feet on my floor as I climbed out of bed, silently moving to grab the baseball bat that I had attached to the underneath of my bed. If you laid on the floor and looked underneath you wouldn't notice it, but as soon as you feel the bars that hold the mattress upright you would realise I have a lot of stuff slightly hidden - there's hidden nooks and crannies all around this house.

I lightly tip-toed down the stairs, holding my breath and treading around certain patches of creaky floorboards so that the intruder would not realise I was here - I'm assuming that they thought I had left for school this morning when they saw a car leave the house with Carter most likely inside, but they wasn't breaking into my home that easily. When I reached the base of the stairs I angled the bat so that I would be able to hit them over the head in record time, slowly beginning to creep towards the kitchen that was the place for the sudden noise.

I stopped just outside of the open kitchen door, attempting to hide myself behind the wall. I was alert and ready when I felt the individual begin to walk towards me behind the wall, almost jumping out of my skin when they were suddenly standing right in front of me. A collection of shouts echoed around the house as I jumped back, refraining from hitting them over the head with a bat when I realised who it was.

"Carter, what the hell! Why aren't you at school?" I sighed a breath of relief, wondering how I had been so blindsighted that I could've just checked out of the front window to see whether his car was still here. I laughed, dropping my head as I placed my hands on my knees - the bat now lying on the floor.

"I wasn't going to wake you up this morning, not after last night - but I also wasn't going without you," He began, shrugging. I began to open my mouth to protest but he held a finger up, silencing me. It was stupid for somebody to skip because of me, I didn't want to be the one to affect somebody else's grades and I definitely did not want to be that person when I was having dinner with his parents later! "I hate Friday's anyway."

"I should not be the one to force you to skip, Carter!" I sighed, wandering into the kitchen and grabbing myself some breakfast. Or, could this be classed as lunch now? I had no idea, but I definitely knew that I wanted some food and I wanted that food right now this very second.

"Amelia, don't panic. You didn't force me to do anything - and before you say anything else, my grades are almost impeccable. One day off isn't going to kill anybody," He followed me into the kitchen then, before taking a seat and watching as I began cooking. "Besides, I think spending a day alone with you is much more important for my health - don't you? Especially because I won't get to see you the entire weekend." He winked at me then, as I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore the butterflies that filled my stomach everytime I was around him.

We spent the rest of the day lounging around, just chilling out like a pair of normal teenagers. It all felt so natural, acting like a normal teenager. Carter was currently in the shower while I was getting ready for the meal, staring idly at my reflection in the mirror and wondering whether his parents would actually like me. I mean, if they knew the entire truth they would absolutely not want me near their son, would they? But they don't, Amelia. I sighed a breath of relief, they don't know the whole truth so for now they might actually like you. My phone buzzed suddenly, dragging me out of the trance I was in.

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