604 : Eight Mansions of the Spirit Mountain

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Chapter 604

Eight mansions of the Spirit Mountain
Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

There were three Divine Realm experts guarding the entrance to the ruins. They emitted a formidable aura, the ones who stayed were no more than the Emperor Realm, as those above already went inside. Although the major forces held all the power, if they didn’t leave some room for the lone practitioners, then rebellious feelings might arise.

Cheng XiangRong went ahead of them. Truly the title of being the son of MoQi XiYuan held power, the three guards immediately let him through.

However, in fear of the dangers his son might face, MoQi XiYuan left a person waiting for them. Although, he wasn’t at the Sacred Realm, he was a four star Divine Realm practitioner, who already had a spot in the exploration. So, it didn’t take long before the three of them entered.

Afterwards, the three Divine Realm practitioners resumed guard.

Each guarding a direction, there was no way a normal person could get close, just the pressure they emitted was enough.

The crowd’s whisper were full of complaints. After all, the treasure was right in front of them, if they could enter, they might have a chance. However, these people blocked the path. Lunatics, why weren’t they allowed in?

Although they knew, in their hearts that the entrance was opened by the Sacred Realm experts, they just couldn’t help but complain. If they could, all of them would have flown in immediately, given the chance.

Just as everyone was whispering about, two people suddenly entered the scene. At first, not many people noticed them, it was only when they were ten meters away, did the people pay attention.

Ten meters was precisely the range of the guards, if anyone came closer, they would have to face them. With the looks of things, these people had no intention of stopping.

“Stop and don’t come any closer! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Suddenly, one of the normal guard yelled, as his aura exploded towards the two. His voice instantly grabbed the attention of the onlookers.

And, the crowd seethed.

It was so exciting! Finally, after so much waiting, there was another two!

At first, there were quite a few displeased with the restriction placed by the major forces and so, in the first few days, many revolted, but they were all suppressed. Later, the number of people willing to stand up greatly diminished, till now, all they dared to do was to complain.

The three Divine Realm practitioners also noticed the situation, but arrogantly glanced over it. They weren’t from the same force and it was a common occurrence over the past two months, so they didn’t have a huge reaction to it. They took a look and looked away, aloof.

Seeing that they ignored his ‘advice’, a cold glint shined across his eyes and with a roar, the guard attacked. The piercing lance in his hand went to You XiaoMo, the one closest to him, headed straight for his throat. Seeing that it was about to land, cries of shock could be heard from the crowd.

With a quiver, You XiaoMo dodged the lance and with his bare hands, shook it. The vibration numbed both of the guards hands and he uncontrollably took a few steps back. Before he had time to react, his chest was hit by the lance and the guard went flying as he threw up blood. He landed right by one of the Divine Realm expert’s feet.

The other guards were instantly in a uproar, and all of them rushed forward.

Throwing away the lance, You XiaoMo quickly made a seal and threw out a Azure Palm. Instantly, the guards tumbled all over the place.

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