669 : Undivided Attention

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Chapter 669

Undivided Attention
Translated by Yan of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

This scene attracted not only the attention of the audience near the arena, but also of the judging panel, who revealed strange expressions as well. They clearly hadn’t expected two high star experts to have been assigned to the thirty-third arena, and the contestants of the other arenas were happy now.

“There’s going to be a good show!” someone said, rejoicing in other people’s misery. His tone made it sound a bit like he wanted to see the world burn.

“The Black Spider’s white lotus was once Guma Tribe’s holy maiden Zu Ma. I heard there’s resentment between her and You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao. Do you remember the fight at Dong Zhou? This time it’s truly a case of enemies are fated to meet – they actually encountered each other on the first round!”

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

What was widely known as the luckiest thirty-third arena had now become the most unfortunate.

The competitors, who were originally rejoicing on the stage, could only hole up bitterly in the corner of the arena and do their utter best to resist the pressure being exerted by these two people.

Grade six mages were at the very peak of TongTian Continent.

Even though there were so many rainbow level mages attending the Mage Assemblage this time, the amount of grade six mages could be counted on two hands. The probability of two of them appearing on one arena was very slim, and it was the very last arena at that. It could only be said that their luck was truly not bad.

You XiaoMo’s soul force immediately surged up like a flood, whistling as it rushed out towards Zu Ma, nearly swamping half of the stage.

Zu Ma wasn’t weak either. The other half of the stage was filled with her soul force as it roared madly and charged towards You XiaoMo. Their soul forces began to tear at each other, violent cyclones spinning everywhere on the arena. The other mages had to forcefully steady themselves, and the ones who were slightly weaker were caught off guard and ended up sullenly falling off of the stage.

When she saw this, Zu Ma’s eyes grew cold.

Her information said that You XiaoMo’s cultivation base was grade five, and even though she knew that he had obtained the Five Blessing Spirit Eye and his cultivation base was very likely to forge ahead, she hadn’t expected him to actually have advanced in less than a year.

Grade six mage!

Thinking back, she had to suffer countless hardships in order to climb to this level. Not only did she have to upgrade the grade level of her soul, she also needed to cultivate and refine pills. She had to work extremely hard to advance at every level, but then You XiaoMo ended up just casually becoming a grade six mage.

Sure enough, it was infuriating to compare with other people!

“You damn brat, now that you’re here, I’ll show you what ‘there’s no turning back’ means!” Zu Ma said with a dark expression.

At the big competition, they were all aiming for number one. It wasn’t just to get the Grade Water; there was also Shao Yi and Ling Xiao’s promise. If she defeated You XiaoMo in the first round and made him lose his qualifications, Ling Xiao would definitely lose face.

When she thought of this, she put in even more effort.

With a flip of her palm, a white ribbon appeared in her hand. This was her weapon. Even though it wasn’t a whip, it was more nimble than a whip. She flicked it lightly against the ground, and a crack immediately appeared in the surface.

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