616 : An Unexpected Surprise

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Chapter 616

An Unexpected Surprise
Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The heavenly stairs of the Spirit Mountain was a well-known natural landscape of the Peach Blossom Ruins. There was only one staircase going from the bottom to the top of the mountain. It contained tens of thousands of steps, but the specifics was unknown as no one could it count it. Although there was a staircase straight to the top, one that anyone could tell would reach it, it was actually the hardest route to the top. That was because there was many traps and challenges set along the staircase targeting on the human emotions and desires. As long as one passed, they would be heading straight to the top, and if not, they it’s a direct route to God.

A while back someone did challenge the heavenly stairs, but another bore witness to them falling off and dying. As you know, since the beginning of time, human emotions and desires were the hardest to overcome. The people who dare challenged it, must be super confident in themselves.

The reason the Guma Tribe choose this route was because the challenges only applied to those climbing up. There was only one in a hundredth chance that it would also apply to those going down, but these informations was only something the Guma Tribe knew.

Half a month ago, a henchmen of MoQi XiYuan was fighting when they accidentally fell of the heavenly stairs. At that time everyone thought he had died, even MoQi XiYuan, but he appeared again and told the secret to MoQi XiYuan.

The other forces didn’t dare challenge the heavenly stairs so they didn’t know.

At first MoQi XiYuan thought it was a flawless plan but much to his dismay, there was a traitor amongst them and even exposed the secret of the heavenly stairs. You see, most of the forces had lost many of their men trying to climb up the mountain. Now that they knew of a shortcut down, no one was willing to do more challenges.

The heavenly stairs, which was made of white jade, was in ruins after the big fight broke out. The surrounding trees and grass were burnt to crisps as well. After a while, one of the surviving shrubs shook a little.

A Vermillion Blood Clan member suddenly turned around and looked around curiously but didn’t discover anything. His comrade followed his gaze and looked around, “What are you looking at?”

“I feel like I just heard something.” That member said scratching his head.

His comrade replied, “You probably heard it wrong, there’s nothing here.”

That member said un-confidently, “Yeah, I probably misheard something. Anyways, we should hurry to catch those two demon beasts, the headmaster promised a high reward for them.”

The two walked further and further away.

The shrub shook another time, this time it was very obvious. Right after it, a insect like demon beast that was sparkling gold came out of the shrub. After it took a look around and made sure there was no one, it made a slight noise directed to the shrub. Then, another little demon beast came out.

The two heads looked around suspiciously as if thieves. Currently they were still at the top part of the heavenly stairs and they were surrounded by Vermillion Blood Clan members, so they needed to find another route down.

The Metal Swallowing Beast crouched on the floor and took a sniff, after confirming the location, it signaled Xiao Ping, who was behind him. Just as they were about to hid in the shrub again, a sharp cry of joy sounded.

“I found them, I found the two demon beasts!” The owner of the voice was the one who noticed the moving shrub a while ago and besides him was his comrade. At this critical time, they couldn’t let go of any suspicious activity, thus them leaving before was just a ruse and the result was as expected.

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