672 : The Competition Begins

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Chapter 672

The Competition Begins
Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The second round was easier because it was only refining pills.

In most competitions, refinement was placed last, but here it was only the second round. There was still three hundred and thirty competitors, it wouldn’t be easy to pick out the top ten here. Even if it was, the judge should have explained the situation.

This round of rules were simple, simply refine the designated magic pill in a set amount of time and the materials would be provided by the XiaoYao Institution. It was an incredible sight, three hundred and thirty mages all refining together.

The day before, the plaza was still a flat land with tens of arenas lined up together. Now, it was completely different, and not just the arenas but also the audience. The first three rows in the audience got switched into individual pill refining platforms making it a grand sight.

You XiaoMo stood on the pill refining platform in the second row. Beside him was Jiu Ye and Qiao WuXing, in front of him were a few familiar faces.

Zu Ma, whom he achieved a deep grudge and hated, was one of them. When he looked over, Zu Ma’s gaze was much colder and it met his sinisterly. Her killing intent for him now matched hers for Ling Xiao.

Other than that, there were two others. These two were quite interesting as well, they were Su Lang and Yan Hui. Every since Yan Hui instigated Su Lang, Su Lang had thought of him as an enemy, although it was only one-sided. The two hadn’t even met before and he already detested You XiaoMo to no end.

You XiaoMo understood his resentment. Many geniuses with high pride were like that, believing that they were the smartest in the world. Once someone stronger appeared, taking away their title, they would hate them without a reason.

In his previous life, both his elementary and middle schools were private schools. But it wasn’t all rich kids, some were normal people who got in through their grades, so most of them topped the class in that regard. So, obviously they were picked on, it was fairly common.

You XiaoMo became aware of this from the initial conversation Su Lang had with Yan Hui. Su Lang was that genius who was pampered to be highly egoistical and believed that he was the greatest genius of the TongTian Continent. But after Yan Hui’s words, he came crashing down.

After one to two years, You XiaoMo discovered that Su Lang was still the same level. It was at that point he knew how big of an impact Yan Hui’s words had on him.

As for Yan Hui, he looked at You XiaoMo with a veiled gaze. The gaze wasn’t complicated, but it got You XiaoMo very confused and clueless as to why. That was because his gaze was veiled and overcast, as if he was the thorn by his side.

Before Yan Hui attended the Mage Assemblage, he figured he would met You XiaoMo. Although Yan Hui initially approached him with a purpose in mind, he was never really close with him. Thus, when he discovered his true intentions, he didn’t feel anything. It was because of this that he didn’t think there was any long-held-grudges or hatred between them.

But when he looked over again, Yan Hui had already retracted his gaze and his expression was calm, as if nothing happened. It was as if everything had been his imagination.

The XiaoYao Institution principal quickly announced the other rules for the second round. To ensure the fairness of the match, the pill recipe was for a level ten magic pill, since the entry requirement was at least being level ten. Although different cultivation levels would cause a difference, it was impossible for a level ten mage to get to the top ten anyways.

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