647 : Mother

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Chapter 647

Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Ling Xiao soon got wind of this.

XiaoJi had Ji Feng helping him now, so he didn’t need to do everything personally, nor did he have to hide and sneak about. Ji Feng was his greatest helper. His clansmen wouldn’t be suspicious even if Ji Feng was sent out.

After he finished reading, Ling Xiao handed the jade drive over to the anxious You XiaoMo, who was barely holding himself back from snatching the Jade Drive.

You XiaoMo glanced at the silent Ling Xiao beside him after looking over the contents of the jade drive. From XiaoJi’s description, Ling Xiao’s mother’s attitude seemed rather off, different from what he expected.

XiaoJi had brought up Ling Xiao in their conversation, but she didn’t have any reaction, not even asking after Ling Xiao at all. Was she happy but pretending to be calm and composed, or…

You XiaoMo didn’t understand. Ling Xiao had told him in the past that his father and mother were together despite their clans’ objections out of love for one another. If they could do that, then they should be deeply in love with one another, and a child of their own flesh and blood wouldn’t go unloved either. However, now it didn’t seem that way.

“Perhaps someone already told her about how you’re doing?” You XiaoMo stared at Ling Xiao, terrified that he would be upset. He knew what it felt like to have parents that didn’t care. It wasn’t good at all.

Ling Xiao’s expression was blank. Hearing his words, the hint of a smile appeared on Ling Xiao’s face, “Perhaps.”

Seeing him smile just made You XiaoMo even more worried.

Though his parents didn’t care much for him either, he at least had them at his side from when he was young and would occasionally get a few words of parental love. However, Ling Xiao had been apart from his parents for many years. He had once said that he wanted to save them. It was clear that he missed them dearly.

To know now that his mother didn’t seem to like him much, if it was him, he definitely wouldn’t be feeling very happy.

Just as he was thinking about that, Ling Xiao stood and went outside.

You XiaoMo hurried after him, “Where are you going?”

“To find Uncle Gu,” Ling Xiao replied without looking back at him.

You XiaoMo’s heart thumped. As expected, he couldn’t just let this go and had to question Uncle Gu. It was Uncle Gu that had told him of his parents in the first place.

Lin Gu hadn’t been a at Weeping Ghost Shores recently. As the bossman, he often played hooky, but only TianDao knew that each time he left, he was out to gather intel on the Qilin clan. However, he had come back these few days, and was currently at Weeping Ghost Shores.

Lin Gu had gotten wind of their visit beforehand, so he had them come and find him in the tea room. Speaking of the tea room, rumor had it that Lin Gu was also a tea lover. When You XiaoMo heard of this, he suspected that Ling Xiao had gotten his love of tea from Lin Gu.

Lin Gu’s tea room was decorated with elegant simplicity, not gaudy or flashy, but the furniture and equipment were made of high-quality wood. They could smell the fragrance of the tea as soon as they stepped inside, and a lighter aroma of trees.

“You’ve arrived at just the right time. These are the top-quality tea leaves I just brought back.” Lin Gu stood beside the tea table preparing the tea leaves and greeted them, motioning for them to make themselves comfortable upon seeing them.

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