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Chapter 656 

Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The quake deep beneath the ground didn’t affect the ancestral temple above ground because the moment it happened, the temple was destroyed by the black-clad men who barged in.

The elders who guarded the ancestral temple discovered the two black-clad men. At first, they thought they were comrades but soon realized they weren’t. The ancestral temple was destroyed by the one who came after. The massive, stateliness building crumbled before the clan members.

Tens of millions of years of worship, all of the ancestors of the ShuiXi Tribe, now all buried beneath the ruins.

The elders were outraged and seeing that the situation was getting more and more out of hand, they finally sent someone to inform MoQi XiYuan.

The two black-clad men were incredibly strong and the ShuiXi Tribe members figured out that they were of the Sacred Realm, although a lower star. However, most of the powerful members of the tribe were fighting another battle, all those left were Emperor and Divine Realm practitioners. None of them were their opponents.

The black-clad men didn’t stop there, their real motive was the transcendent level Spirit Eye beneath the ancestral temple. After a few nights testing, they were sure of its whereabouts.

Now that the tribe was in a mess, with everyone trying to find the two black-clad men, a third person secretly entered. His objective was the mountain behind the tribe, where the lower grade Five Blessing Spirit Eye was.

With a spy’s map, that person quickly found the entrance to the Five Blessing Spirit Eye and the disappearance of the guards helped him in. Once he easily passed through the maze, he also encountered Ling Xiao’s barrier.

“As expected, I can’t enter the barrier. Good thing I came prepared…” In the darkness, their eyes glinted insidiously and in complantency, as if they were certain of obtaining the object inside.

At the same time, You XiaoMo had already leaped into the layer of ice. Almost the moment he broke through it, another layer froze on top of it. The icy world became an enclosed world, once again.

The transcendent level Spirit Eye emitted a warm and calming spiritual energy, causing You XiaoMo to feel sleepy. He felt the urge to simply sit down and cultivate, however, he regained his senses quickly.

Slapping himself in the face, You XiaoMo tried to get rid of his sleepiness. He didn’t think the five colored spiritual energy would feel this comfortable, it would be bad if he was lured into sleeping.

Thinking it this far, You XiaoMo walked in front of the Five Blessing Spirit Eye.

The Spirit Eye was a meter in length and width. He had thought that the transcendent level Spirit Eye would be much bigger than the lower grade one, but it was actually tiny. However, that was much more convenient for him.

You XiaoMo investigated the surroundings and the depth of the Spirit Eye, it wasn’t more than two meters deep. It wasn’t connected to anything either, that way it was possible to just move the whole thing into his dimension. Taking action, he pulled out a shovel and tried to shovel out the Spirit Eye, but that was when the steel shovel…broke…

You XiaoMo looked at the shovel handle speechlessly. In frustration he slapped his head. When he punched through that layer of ice above, he thought that the ice layers would be very fragile, but what he didn’t realize was that the closer it was to the Spirit Eye, the harder it was.

Just then, the Metal Swallowing Beast jumped onto his head and spit out a piece of metal. With a thunk, it dropped beside You XiaoMo’s foot.

You XiaoMo was shocked and when looked down, it was a piece of metal the exact same shape as the broken shovel. Even though he had been contracted with Metal Swallowing Beast for a long time, it was the first time he realized that this little beast could also spit out metal and in different shapes as well.

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