679 : Black-Bellied Qiao WuXing

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Chapter 679

Black-Bellied Qiao WuXing
Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The spectator stands plummeted into silence.

The two grade six mages You Quan and Zu Ma had somehow sustained injuries simultaneously. Though it didn’t seem severe, everyone was still shocked.

They were two of the mages that people had the highest hopes for winning, countless people observing their progress and even betting on them.

Since You XiaoMo was a newcomer, so there were fewer people betting on him, while more people bet on You Quan and Zu Ma. Seeing the two practically defeated, screams from those that bet too much on them rang out throughout the spectator stands.

However, the match wasn’t over yet.

You Quan and Zu Ma had only sustained minor injuries. They still had the ability to fight on; it was just that the likelihood of them winning had decreased. They hadn’t given up yet, those people who bet on them told themselves.

You Quan wiped blood from the corner of his mouth. Luckily for him, he had left another thread of soul power in a different tunnel. So long as his soul power was inside the maze, he could continue.

He absolutely loathed You XiaoMo now.

After defeating You Quan, You XiaoMo finally found an exit, following the slight breeze. It was the seventh entrance. The others were still entrapped in combat, including the Cang Alliance’s master of shameless. None of them were willing to show mercy. Right now, if he had his soul power go through this exit, then he would be first.

Just as everyone waited for him to go through, he stopped around five centimeters from the exit.

What was this?

Everyone was puzzled, and it took a while before they realized that You XiaoMo was smiling sweetly, but maliciously at Zu Ma. This is definitely Ling Xiao’s influence at work!

It took them a while to notice that Zu Ma, too, was under the seventh exit.

After being ganged up on and injured by mages from the two big guilds, she didn’t recklessly attack them, instead choosing to avoid them and heading in another direction, and that direction just so happened to be the path You XiaoMo was in.

As soon as You XiaoMo went through the exit, Zu Ma would become second, following him.

The runner up prize was very plentiful as well. Though it wasn’t first place, it was well worth it. Unfortunately, she had bumped into You XiaoMo. You XiaoMo was in the Mage Assemblage with the goal of causing trouble for Zu Ma, and now You Quan as well.

Zu Ma was practically grinding down her teeth in anger, glaring at him venomously.

The other mages were delighted. If You XiaoMo wasn’t aiming for first place, then they had a chance.

On the other side, the mages from the two big guilds had been stalled by some others. This time, it was some old experts who usually spent their time hidden away. They wanted first place as well.

Away from all the attention, Qiao WuXing and Jiu Ye steadily made their way through the maze. They had chosen a rather out of the way path because they weren’t a match for high grade mages, so they chose to keep away from the crowd. One of them was heading for the first exit, and the other the second exit.

If nothing unexpected happened, then the winner would be one of them two.

However, you couldn’t expect everything. There were two others that everyone forgot about as well, Su Lang and Yan Hui.

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