696 : Resolved

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Chapter 696

Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

It didn’t take more than three days before the news of You ZhenTian’s death traveled it’s way across the TongTian Continent.

There was a lot of whom paid close attention to the South Continent’s battle as any fight involving two major forces will affect a lot of people. Not only that, if one were to lose, it could cause a great shift in the TongTian Continent’s balance. Under those circumstances, it was obvious that people would keep a watchful eye on the situation as they might be able to pick up on the leftovers or take a share of the spoils.

However, the news that You ZhenTian died in battle was unexpected, thus when people heard the news, most of them were in disbelief. A Sacred Realm seven star expert did not die easily and there was just a few of them in the whole continent so losing one was a big shock.

Although, the one who took the most damage from this was the Vermillion Blood Clan. Such an old brand just lost both of it’s Sacred Realm experts, You ZhenTian and Lady Yin. Now with only Divine Realm experts, they downgraded by one from a major force, but only barely. In their fight against the Cang Alliance, the Vermillion Blood Clan lost a lot of practitioners, now they were barely holding on to the downgraded title.

Nowadays, a lot of forces were on watch of the Cang Alliance’s attitude. It was clear that the Vermillion Blood Clan was a big, tasty piece of cake. Without the protection of You ZhenTian, the Sacred Realm expert, they’re territory wasn’t going to be theirs for long.

However, the one who won against the Vermillion Blood Clan was the Cang Alliance, so no matter what kind of plans one might have, one would have to worry about the Cang Alliance. Otherwise, it would be a double loss and they would get a bad reputation.

Half a month later, Fu CangQiong and Wei Bai went out of their secluded cultivation.

Everyone’s first impression on them was like the spring breeze, especially Wei Bai, his smiling face and dimples shocked a bunch them. They never knew that the cold and tsundere Xiao-shidi would have two dimples when he smiled. His face was flushed red, just like a normal, bright boy. Was this still their Xiao-shidi?

This was the real Wei Bai!

Before he was betrayed by Qiu Ran, Wei Bai was Duan QiTian’s favorite disciple. First was because of Wei Bai’s talent and understanding, second was his personality. He was a bright, optimistic, charitable, and positive young man. Back then in the Dao Xin Academy, his popularity and reputation was even higher than Qiu Ran, which was one of the reasons why Qiu Ran became jealous of him.

After half a month in secluded cultivation, Wei Bai has been completely cured. Although he hadn’t returned to his previous state, after a while of resting, it shouldn’t take long before he was even stronger than before.

“Da-shixiong, where is You-shidi?” The first thing Wei Bai said after his secluded cultivation was to ask for You XiaoMo’s whereabouts, he wanted to thank him in person.

Zuo Yan hesitated for a moment but Wei Bai didn’t notice. “Nine days ago, when the battle of the Great Plains was over, he and Ling Xiao returned to their rooms. Ever since then, they haven’t come out and when Xiong-shidi went to knock, no one answered.”

From Zuo Yan’s eyes, a little bit of worry could be seen. He knew that Ling Xiao had been injured so them not coming out even now must have something to do with it.

“Did something happen?” Wei Bai asked confused. He just came out so he didn’t know anything about the Great Plains battle.

Zuo Yan knew that he couldn’t hid it so he told him everything about the Vermillion Blood Clan’s invasion. Of course, he didn’t linger on the dangers, just roughly told him the conclusion.

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