Chapter Three - Detention Day 1

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That's all we could hear.

I have been sitting in this room for hours now. I turn my face and glance at River, who still looked pissed.

Well, if your asking what happened, River did successfully punch Josh in the face sending him to La La Land. He fell unconscious.

Both Josh and Allen have a broken nose.

"I can't believe you got me involved in this." He muttered loud enough for me to hear. There wasn't anyone in detention but me, him, and the teacher, who is currently taking a nap.

"I didn't tell you to punch him, did I?" I fired back.

"So, I should have just stood there and let him hit you?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, you should have just did exactly that. It's better than blaming me now." I spat.

He doesn't say anything and remains silent.

I can't believe what happened. Instead of 2 hours, the principle gave me 4 hours everyday for a week, can you believe that?

He gave River 4 hours for 2 days, what a lucky bastard, just because he didn't start the fight and because he claims and I quote, "I was protecting my classmate."

Fuck you and your classmate!

Wait . . . I am the classmate. UGH!

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to be nice for a minute." I started again receiving a deep sigh.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt you to just shut-up and wait for the 4 hours to finish." He replied coldly.

"I really don't know how is David your friend. You are mean, arrogant, and rude." I mumbled.

"I heard you." He casually said.

"Good." I fake smiled and turned my face to the front.

One more hour to go.

After waiting for what felt like hours, we were finally free to go. River walked out without even looking at me and left.

I quickly made my way out into the now empty hallway and walked towards the main door. My car isn't here and I forgot to call my father to tell him about it, but I am sure principle Carter called him.

I waited outside in the cold weather, looking at River, who is now getting into his car. His eyes suddenly met mine and I quickly looked somewhere else.

It's getting really cold now.

Out of nowhere, River honks grabbing my attention and signalling for me to come. I slowly walked towards him as he rolled down his window.

Mia González Where stories live. Discover now