Chapter Twenty-One - A Traitor

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Another Chapter! ;)


I struggled to free myself, but failed miserably. I was that close, that close to escape. What scares me now is that we are moving somewhere else and no one will find me. It's not like I cannot escape again or fight, but I am one and they are hundreds. 

What if my family couldn't find me? What if Luciano takes me somewhere that no one knows about. That tracker was my only hope. 

It's not like I regret giving myself up to Luciano, I made that decision quickly and I don't regret it. That is my mother we are talking about and I would do anything for her. 

The problem now is that Luciano wants that box and I would never ever give it to him. It's weird to even think that Giovanni gave me that box. Why would he do that? Why would he leave something as precious as this to me? Knowing fully that I won't use it for bad even though he doesn't know me, since he died before I was even born. 

I guess every person has a reason for everything they do. 

Maybe he realized that this experiment is dangerous and since he didn't have the chance to get rid of it, he gave it to me...but again, he didn't know he would die, why write it in my name? 

It's all so confusing and for the first time ever I am curious to know Giovanni. All I know is that he abused my mother and that he is a psychotic killer. 

The car started and we moved, but not before I heard gunshots. I guess they are here to rescue me...too bad I am moving.


Fuck you Luciano

"You really thought you could escape?" Luciano chuckled.

"You really thought I would give you the box?" I chuckled back, whipping the smirk he had on. 

"You are really stupid." He mumbled.

"Well, then that makes the two of us." 

I was being sarcastic because I will never ever give him the satisfaction of seeing me sad and hopeless. 

The car suddenly stopped at a house. Normal house. Luciano took my arm and we stepped out of the car. His hands tightened around my arm that I was sure it would leave a mark, not that my body is not already full of those.

Luciano and I stood in front of the door, while two of his men stood behind us. He rang the door bell and we waited for the door to be opened.

After a minute or so, the door opened revealing a man. I looked up and my eyes met his. I couldn't believe what I saw. I couldn't believe that the man in front of me is doing business with Luciano. I couldn't believe that he is a traitor. After all those years, he turned out to be a traitor. Who could have thought?


Walking out of the building, I found Cameron standing outside. 

"I thought I told you to stay inside your car?" I groaned.

"They took Mia." He said as if he was inside with us.

"You saw her leaving?" I asked or practically yelled.

"When you told me to stay in the car, I didn't. I walked behind you but kept a distance. I saw one of there cars at the back and I walked to it. I planted a tracking device in case something went wrong." He explained and at that moment, I wanted to kiss Cameron. 

Mia González Where stories live. Discover now