Chapter Twenty Eight - The Aftermath

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It's really weird...when you see someone kill themselves in front of you. I have killed, but it's not like seeing someone kill themselves.

I didn't really want him to die. I mean—I didn't really care if he did.

When he smirked, I thought we were tricked, or something happened back at the warehouse, but as the seconds passed, his smirk turned into a sad smile.

A sad smile as if he knew that he had lost. Lost everything and everyone.

But what he said before he died that sticked inside my head.

"I will never forgive you for killing my mother."

What does he mean by that?

Did we kill his mother without us knowing? Because I know for sure that my father did no such thing. It's impossible.

No way my father or even my grandparents killed her.

Walking inside the warehouse, I was greeted with my mother's arms.

"I am so glad you are okay." Her panicked voice said.

She looked so scared.

"As much as it pains me to say this sis, I have missed you." Alexio; my brother, said.

"I have missed you too, Pumpkin."

"Don't ever call me that." He scowled.

I love teasing him.

"What happened out there? And why are you shot! Oh my god!" My mother screamed and that's when I remembered that I got shot in the arm.

"Don't worry, mother, I am fine!" I replied, trying to calm her down.

"To the infirmary, now." She ordered and River and I made our way there.

He never left my side, not once.

Especially when I got shot.

We passed several room and one of them had a transparent window, and in it was sitting uncle Danny.

We haven't really talked. I know that he was working with my grandfather and he even told us that, but I am so mad at him for not telling me.

I know he couldn't tell anyone, but still.

"Are you doing okay?" River asked.

"Yes, baby, I am." I replied and surprise covered his face.


"You just called me baby."

"So?" I asked, confused.

"I-I don't know...I just got happy for some reason." He replied nervously and I grinned.

What the hell.

"You are so cute." I giggled and cupped his face and planted a kiss on his lips.

As I was doing that, a pain shot up my arm, forgetting for the second time that I had been shot.

"Be careful." He panicked.

We arrived at the infirmary and the doctor immediately walked to us.

"Finally!" He said.


"Finally, you got your first wound."

Why is he happy about that?

"I am confused." I chuckled. River was ready to beat him up.

"Honey, what I mean is that you went on your first mission and got your first wound! That's amazing." He replied excitedly.

Mia González Where stories live. Discover now