Chapter Twenty Six - The Beginning of The End

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"I am coming whether you like it or not!" I groaned at the two men in front of me.

If you are wondering what's happening, my father and grandpa Lorenzo found Luciano and Danny somewhere near Galena.

My father, River, and the rest decided to go hunt them down. Just so you know, it wasn't easy finding them. If my grandpa didn't have a mole there, he wouldn't know.

Anyways, my father and River are not letting me come with them, but I want to. I want to go hunt that asshole who beat me up. I will not stay at home and not do anything. I can't even stay put knowing that my boyfriend and father are out there risking their lives, and I am here safe at the warehouse.

I can't believe that I called River my boyfriend...

Butterflies flew everywhere in my stomach, making me feel weird.

I am not used to this feeling. I am not used to have butterflies every time I think or talk to him.

Does he feel the way I feel too or not?

I wonder if boys feel butterflies like girls do.

Not saying that they are mot humans or anything, but I have always wondered.

"I said no, Mia. It's dangerous!" River said.

"I am coming! I am not leaving you alone there." I pouted like a child.

He knows that he will never win this argument and I know that I will go and he knows it too.

"Fine." My father snapped, surprising me, "—but you will stay close to me or River, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!" I said in a robotic tone, earning a chuckle from River.

My dad left the office leaving me and River alone.

He walked close to me and took me by the waist.

"Please don't come, I am worried." He murmurs in my neck.

"We will be together—better than apart." I reasoned.

"Besides, you will protect me." I added.

"Of course, I will." He replied and started kissing my neck.

The best feeling in the whole damn world.

This time, I made him stop and I started kissing him on his jaw.

He was hardly breathing and his hands went down cupping my ass cheeks.

"You smell amazing..." he breathed hard.

I lifted my face and smashed my lips onto his.

Our lips fought against each other and we were practically eating each other's faces.

"Before we go on this damn mission, I just wanna say something—" he started, making my heart beat 1000x faster if it's even possible.

"What?" My voice came out raspy.

"I-I like you a lot—actually, I think I am falling in love with you." He stuttered.

As soon as I heard that, I was ready to faint, like literally.

Did he just say...

"Say something..." he nervously said, taking me out of my own thoughts. I hadn't noticed that I didn't give him an answer.

"River...—" I leaned till my lips touched his his ear, "—I am falling for you too." I whispered, making him shiver.

We stayed like that for a hot minute when he kissed my forehead and hugged me so tight.

The best hug of my entire life. Entire!

"Meeting room, now." Daniel came in out of nowhere announcing the news.

"Coming." We both replied and left after him.

"Okay, so the goal is of course to capture Danny and Luciano, I don't really care about anyone else." My father started, "—my father; Lorenzo, has a mole in Luciano's supposedly mafia, and he informed us of Luciano's whereabouts—not that we should completely trust him, but if my father does, we should too."

"We are going first to Platteville. He is somewhere close outside of that town. There is a warehouse at the outskirts of Platteville, and that's where Luciano and his men are staying, for now."

"My men are going to surround the warehouse and the rest of us are going in. Jerome; the mole, is going to open the warehouse doors for us since they only open with a remote control that only Luciano and some of his men have—once we get in, we will spread out."

He explained casually at first, when his voice became slowly dangerous.

"If any and I mean any—" he glanced at me, "—found Luciano or Danny, you tell me." He pointed at his chest.

"Do not act without instructions and do NOT kill them—and stay in groups at least of two." He concluded.

My dad us going to be at the top of my head on this mission and I know he is more worried about me than capturing those bastards.

Fuck, I still can't believe uncle Danny is a traitor. How? He was my babysitter, my uncle, my second father! How could he do that?

This shows that even the closest people to you, can betray you, family or not.

It doesn't matter whether you have known the person all your life or a year or two, it doesn't matter if you trust that person with your life or not, if they want to betray, they will.

And it happened, with me. With us.

I hope you liked this chapter guys!!!! And sorry for the short one, but I might upload another chapter today as well, so stay tuned for that! ❤️

What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Do you think someone will die? If yes, who?🧐

Mia González Where stories live. Discover now