Chapter Twenty-Two - Back Home

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"We couldn't find them. I think they flew outside the country." I said as soon as I entered Demetrio's office.

"They think they can run away from me, but at the end, I will find them." He replied angrily.

"How is Mia?" He asked after a while.

"I haven't talked to her yet. Leila said she's holding up."

"I can't believe she's not talking to me. It has been 2 weeks!" He groaned and sat on the chair.

I know this is hard for him because it is not easy to handle something like this especially when we are talking about his daughter.

But what I know is that he brought this upon himself. If he just trusted his daughter's abilities enough, we wouldn't have been here.

I mean okay, I understand that he wanted to protect her and at the same time lets her live a normal life, but he should have known that in the mafia, there is nothing called a normal life because we are not normal.

"I am sure she'll come around—I will go check up on Lara, do you want anything?" I said.

"No, you can leave." With that, I left his office and made my way to Lara's room.

Knocking, I waited till she opened the door.

"Finally! I haven't seen you in hours, where have you been?" She asked.

"Work." I simply said.

"How are you holding up?"

"I still can't believe that Danny is a traitor—I mean I was like his daughter for god's sake." She huffed.

"How are you holding up?" She asked, averting her attention from the TV to me.

"She's still not talking to me." I sadly replied.

"Then go talk to her, again. Apologize, so anything!"

"It's not that easy because she's right this time! I lied to her for years."

"Well technically only a year." She mumbled.

"Anyways, I am meeting with Cameron—see you later." She said and was about to leave when I stopped her.

"Cameron? Why? What's going on? Is there something going on between you two? May I remind you tha—"

"Calm down!" She cut me off, "—we are just friends, for now." She said the last part, sending me a wink, and quickly walked out of the room.


Walking out of the room, I bumped into someone.

"Mia." I breathed hard once I saw who it is.

She didn't say anything and was about to leave when I grabbed her arm and pushed her softly inside Lara's room.

"Stop doing that!" She yelled.

"We need to talk!"

"No, we don't! There is nothing to talk about!" She yelled again.

"Mia please, just listen." I pleaded.

"You have 2 minutes starting now." She crossed her arms waiting for me to start talking.

"Anytime now!"

"Fine! Look, I know I lied to you all this time, but just so you know, whatever we loved together wasn't a lie! I wasn't supposed to even talk to you if it weren't for Mr. Stevenson." I quickly summarized, "—I am sorry."

Mia González Where stories live. Discover now