Chapter Thirteen - I Need to Tell Someone

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I am done! I am finally done with school

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I am done! I am finally done with school...FOREVER! Can you believe it? 

Now, I can focus on the mafia.

Walking outside the school, I made my way to Cameron's car. My father still wants me to go with someone to school for some odd reason. Ever since Mrs. Jones; who by the way was found dead at the school the other day and the police are still investigating, he doesn't want me to go alone. 

He sometimes lets me go to Camilla's or Cameron's alone with my car, but to school, it's...forbidden. 

My father's brain works in a very very weird way. 

"I AM DONE!" I yelled to Cameron who actually finished an hour ago. 

He just smiled and hugged me. 

Cameron has been so...quiet these past couple of days. He seems afraid of something and I need to talk to him about it soon

"So guys-" I started looking at Camilla who just came out of her exam. "-I was thinking of doing a small trip somewhere near know for few days." I suggested. 

"That's a pretty cool idea M!" Camilla squealed. 

"I really like that." Cameron nodded.

"Can I...ask David to come?" Camilla asked hesitantly biting her bottom lip.

"Sure why not..." I replied and glanced at Cameron to see his face pale. 

What's going on? 

"Thanks!" She yelled excitedly and took her phone out to call David.

Why she's doing that, I got closer to Cameron to ask what's going on with him.

"Hey Cam, are you okay? You seem...different." 

"No-No, I am fine. Why would you think that?" He quickly replied as if he was running away from someone.

"Cameron, the truth." I said firmly.

"Nothing's going on Mia, I swear." He lied. I can see through him so easily, but I decided to let it go for now. 

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

"He said YES!" Camilla squealed.

"What's going on between you two, ha?" I smirked and crossed my arms. 

"I-I..." She stuttered, "-n-nothing." 

"Yet." I added and laughed. 

"Come on, let's go." Cameron announced and we all got in his car. 

We were going to my house today. I made sure to tell my parents in case suddenly my father decided to put his gun in his waistband or somewhere in the house. 

Mia González Where stories live. Discover now