Chapter 8

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(y/n) POV

"So let me get this straight. The captain's gone insane and plans on becoming the demon king to end his three thousand year quest to die, Elizabeth's a Goddess who was cursed by someone called the Supreme Deity who's also her mother, Ban's in purgatory, your true form is a small child and you've been immune to commandments this entire time, and King really is a fairy!" I said, "I've always told you that King's a fairy why is this so surprising to you dear?" Mom asked, "BECAUSE HE DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A FAIRY, BUT HE HAS WINGS NOW SO I HAVE TO BELIEVE IT!" I said, "Terra can we go home to Aria? Things were less complicated there." I said, "(y/n) for now Big Sis Sis is our captain and as a sin, you are a part of the alliance between us and Stigma." She said, "No." I said, "What do you mean no." She said, "From what I can tell the demons are bad, but the Goddesses are worse. Anything that scares a demon can't be good." I said, "What do you plan on doing then?" She asked, "Something that should've been done a long time ago." I said as I walked away, "(y/n) wait." Mom said, "What?" I asked, "Absolute Order." She said, "I give you this order, you under no circumstances are allowed to even attempt to draw Excalibur." She said, "If you break this order you will die. If it comes to that I'd rather it be I who kills you than some sword. Even then I'd kill myself immediately afterward. I won't, no, I can't live in this world without you!" She said as tears streamed down her face, "I got it. Who needs some holy sword anyway, I'm strong enough without it." I said as I left.

"(y/n), I have an idea of what you're planning on doing." Elizabeth said, "Are you gonna stop me?" I asked, "No, but I doubt it will work, but I appreciate what you're trying to do for me." She said, "I'd head that way. It's about a day's journey from here, but I think you can make it in half that time." She said as she pointed East, "Thank you." I said as she hugged me, "I will save you, I'll save you all." I said.

"Go back, Terra." I said, "No, I'm not gonna leave you." Terra said, "TERRA!" I said, "If you're with my mother, then I won't have to worry about you getting killed!" I said. "Too bad! I love you, and if I have to die to prove that then so be it!" She said, "Terra I have two days to complete this quest. I can't let anyone else die." I said, "And you will, but you won't do it alone." She said as she hugged me from behind, "I can't win can I?" I said, "No you can't." She said, "Fine then let's get going." I said.

We walked for hours teleporting every so often to expedite the journey. "Terra, why don't you go find us something to eat for lunch." I said as I gave her some cash, "Alright, but what will you do?" She asked, "I'm gonna go investigate something." I said, "Alright, but if you even think about leaving me I'll beat you up!" She said, "I wouldn't dream of it." I said as I walked away.

"There's something I'd like to talk to you about Mon..." a woman said as she entered the house, What a coincidence. I wanted to talk to the two of you about something as well." I said, "Monspeet and Derieri of the Ten Commandments, what are you doing here?" I asked coldly, Who are you?" Derieri asked, "The name's (y/n), I'm the kid Galand kidnapped." I said, "I see." She said, "We're not here to hurt anyone, we're just trying to live." Monspeet said, Alright, I'll believe you for now, but if either of you harm anyone, I will come back and kill you both." I said, "Fair enough." He said, "I'll be leaving now, I have a quest to get back to." I said, "Wait." Derieri said as she grabbed me as I tried to pass, "You smell of a woman. And she's in love with you." She said, "Yeah." I said, "You love her too don't you?" She said, "More than anything." I said, "Then be careful, I can sense darkness in you. Because you're not of the demon race this could drive you insane and drive you to kill your beloved." She said, "So if I were you, I'd start my life with her as soon as possible." She said as I left.

"Terra." I said, "Sorry I couldn't find us any lunch." Terra said, "It's fine, but I wanted to talk to you about something." I said, "You know you can talk to me about anything silly." She said sweetly, "Alright then, I got some advice from someone, and it was strange considering who it came from." I said, "Where's this going?" She asked, "She told me that I shouldn't waste time and start a life with you." I said, "Wait are you?" She said, "Terra, will you marry me?" I asked, "It would be my honor." She said as she kissed me, "What do you say to a small detour then?" I asked, "A detour? What for?" She asked, "To get married, we have no idea if we'll survive this journey so why wait?" I said, "You have a point." She said as I teleported us to the Boar Hat. "(y/n) what are you doing back here?!" Elizabeth asked, "I need a favor." I said.

"Love some of us are lucky enough to find it. And despite the recent loss of a dear loved one love prevailed. I have been lucky enough to find love 105 times and I know that when you have it you will never feel any pain, but once you lose it you will feel nothing but agony." Elizabeth said, "Hold onto the love you have for one another and protect it with all your might." She said, "(y/n) do you promise to love Terra for all of time?" She asked, "I do." I said, "Terra do you promise to love (y/n) for all of time?" She asked, "I do." Terra said, "Then by my authority as a princess of Leones and as one of the Goddess race, I pronounce you husband and wife." Elizabeth said as Terra and I kissed. "WHAT'S GOING ON OUT HERE?!" Mom shouted, "A wedding!" Elizabeth said, "Whos?" Mom asked, "Mine." I said, "Terra, I'm sorry, but I have a promise to keep." I said as I knocked Terra out, "(Y/N) WHAT ON EARTH HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?!" Mom shouted, "Keep her safe, I can't say if what I'm about to do will work or not." I said, "Elizabeth, I need a map." I said as we went inside.

"I'm going here." I said, "But there's nothing there." Mom said, "That's the point, there is nothing there anymore, but that wasn't the case three thousand years ago." I said, "It is where you died after all." I said before I teleported away.

"HEY SUPREME DIETY! I need to talk to you!" I said coldly.

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