1) Internship

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Chapter 1 | Internship

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My name is Emmet Silverman and I'm a senior in MIT, I go there with Reed Richards a high school buddy...and yes, I say buddy because is not like we are besties, is more like "well since we both are going to the same place we may as well be friends", I used to have a little "ego boost competition" with him back in high school about our grades, but during senior year and before Prom some stuff happened and he and his best friend (hot jock best friend) Ben Grim ended up going to Prom with me and my friends, so now we are in a better place and there is no need to compete anyway as we are in different fields, I'm engineering and he is in physics.

I do like to bug Richards sometimes like when I bring guys to our dorm room, but I mean is not my fault that I have an active sexual life, besides he doesn't need to complain that much, because most of the times I put a tie on our door means that he get to spend time with his girlfriend Sue Storm, who we know from high school because she was our Prom Queen...can you fucking believe it? The Nerd and the Prom Queen, is like some made up Hollywood story, before we just hang out the three as friends, but Richards finally got the courage to tell her just 5 months ago and here they are.

For me is good they are together because Sue's father is always looking people to do internships on The Baxter Foundation and I want a spot in there, I will be dumb to not be part of it as an engineer, so of course I had to ask her if she have a way to give me a form so I could apply for it, I even annoyed the hell out of Richards so he sign up as well, after all Professor Storm is a physicist like him, he wasn't that interested as he thought it would be complicated to work with his girlfriend's father, but I told him that it was nonsense and make him fill up a form with me.

A couple of months later, Richards and I got accepted for an internship on The Baxter Foundation and I was so excited for it, I mean this is the kind of job that you aim being on the MIT, Stark Industries is also a nice aim more so when Tony Stark came to give us a talk and made an incredible generous donation, but I bet a lot of people started to apply for a Stark Internship which makes it too mainstream now, The Baxter Foundation on the other hand I can even get a squeeze with a little help from Susie...and she can also help her boyfriend too.

"I swear to god that if you don't smile, I will punch your nerdy face Richards" - I complained

"I'm sorry, is just that...I'm nervous, unlike you who were talking non-stop about doing this ever since sending the application, I don't know if I can work with my girlfriend's father" - said Reed

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