3) Ashes

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Chapter 3 | Ashes

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Seems like whatever I said to Storm the day he arrived The Baxter Tower didn't have any effect on him, because he spent all his time trying to be around me when he wasn't training or doing tests around the Tower, it seems like he is amused by me ignoring him since sometimes he just stayed by my desk going through his phone while I worked on the computer, we didn't talk because I didn't want to address his presence at all, but he just stays there anyway.

Whenever he talks to me or address me, he just ask some question I ignore or tries to tease me to get any kind of reaction, but I will not budge, on the other hand when I did have to spare a word to him it was either an attempt to sass him away without much result or just tell him something regarding our work that he takes as a cue to start a conversation that I don't follow.

Every time Sue, Reed, Ben or Leo try to address his presence close to my work space I just ignore them while he makes any cocky remark like "he likes me too much to let me stay away for too long" or the most famous one "he just can't live without me", none of them true at all, but one thing came out from his remarks, Leo have been around me a lot more ever since Johnny is spending time on my work space, guess I do have one thing to thank him for...not that I will.

Anyway, today was a little eventful because a spaceship came around the city and everybody was pretty damn scare that we could have something like the invasion of 2012, but thankfully it didn't escalated, there were some reports about Ironman being there with other people, but soon we were back to work because we will launch the Space Station in about two weeks from today, which means no chill for anyone

"Hey babe, I bought you some coffee" - said Leonard walking to me with two cups of coffee in his hands

"You are a savior" - I said taking one of the cups and sipping the coffee

"Is nothing" - said Leo with a smirk before turning to Johnny who as usually was sitting across my desk going through his phone like he didn't have anything better to do but to annoy me with his presence - "Storm" - he greeted more serious

"Cruz" - said Johnny with the same seriousness

"How's work today babe?" - asked Leo

"A lot to do, the launch is in 2 weeks, so literally, I have no chill until is up there and functioning well" - I explain to him

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