6) Powers

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Chapter 6 | Powers

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I woke up to a loud rumble noise realizing that I am on a medical bed, I look around and my first thought is that I need to get up and see what happened, I get up pretty easily without even needing to take off my blanket and I go to reach for the doorknob but my hands go through it....what...the...fuck, I look at my hand and it looks transparent, still the color of my skin is on it but I can see the floor behind it, I try again for the doorknob but nothing happens, my hands go again through it.

What the fuck is going on? I turn around to see my bed is still made as if I didn't just got up from it, I decide to push against my confusion and try something as my condition didn't go away, I counted mentally from 3 to 1 and when I get to 1 I move or basically almost jump through the door and it worked...I was on the other side of the door, I looked around and people passed by as if they couldn't see me...was I dead?

I walk around and go through some doors finding Reed, Sue and Johnny standing on the door of someone's room, I get close and see that Johnny was almost naked except for a green parka wrapped around his middle section, I couldn't help but to stare at him with both a confused look but also a little lust until I snap out of it and realize that I need to say something so they know I'm here.

"Guys" - I call out

"Emmet?" - Asked Reed - "where are you?" - He asked

"I'm right here" - I say and they looked around confused

"We can't see you" - said Johnny

"Thanks for the newsflash Storm" - I say annoyed

"What happened to you?" - asked Sue worried

"I woke up because I heard a loud rumble feeling scared as fuck, so I try to get out of my room but when I reach for the door my hand go through it and realize that I was in like some kind of "Casper Friendly Ghost" type of deal and then I just...walk through the door and try to find all of you" - I explain/ramble

"Are you like...dead?" - asked Johnny

"I hope not, what is happening to me?" - I asked worried

"Look something happened to us during the solar cloud, I'm guessing it changed something in our DNA" - explained Reed

"I say that, you dismissed me telling me it was too quick to jump into conclusions" - said Sue crossing her arms and I see her body flicking to go invisible

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