5) Space

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Chapter 5 | Space

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It's safe to say that Sue, Jonny and I are very late to the party after 5 years, everybody aged but us, I mean I was 24 still like Johnny and Sue was 25, now Reed and Ben were now 30 same age as Doctor Doom as he didn't aged like us, Richards looks a little more manly, I teased Sue how her boyfriend was now 30 which means that she could call him "Daddy", Ben on the other hand...well let's just say the saying "black don't crack" goes well with him, but is not like he looks youthful he is a man and I mean A MAN,

Professor Storm was more than happy to have his son and daughter back to him, just like Reed was happy to have Sue back, Leo have married just like Ben...but not with each other, I think is good they find a way to push through this issue to do that, 2 of my friends from high school disappeared and one stayed, so we arrange to have a weekend hangout to catch up, after a long time not seeing each other and adding what happened you learn to appreciate your relationships a little more.

In work we basically have to do the Space Station program all over again as everything got shot down when everybody was gone during "The Snap" as they called, thankfully two things worked on our behalf:

1. Doom still have his money and company (he is Doom after all) which means he can keep financing our project and

2. Apparently S.H.I.E.L.D. was interested in our project for vigilance of earth from the outside, so they give us people to help do our work more quickly and it took us a year to do that.

As for Johnny...I ignore what happened, you and I know that I don't have time for that being a work junkie, but that didn't stop Storm from being back around my desk, this time we may have do some small talk making me think that he is maybe not that bad after all, he even have bought me coffee, food and snacks when work was eating me up alive, all that worked until he had to go to space 5 months after we came back...I know we worked at fast pace, it was crazy but we had everything almost figure out before The Snap.

After the chaos of launching day we were working non-stop with the antenna/satellite we design on the tower to keep the track of the Space Station more closely on the tower rather than going to NASA every day and also provides the crew in space an easy way to talk with their family and some friends, like Ben with his wife and Storm with his dad and sister...he may or may not have requested me and I may or may not have answered the request, you'll never know, but anyway here I got even better news, you ready? ...I AM GOING TO SPACE!

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