4) Comeback

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Chapter 4 | Comeback

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"FUCK!" - I screamed as I fall but then a pair of arms grabbed me and it was Storm - "What...what the fuck happened?" - I stutter nervously - "my hand turned into like ash...you weren't there...and Ross..." - I stutter turning to the window of the control room and Ross was there with a confuse look then I realize everything is dark and a little dusty - "what happened in here?" - I asked confused

"Maybe the power is out" - said Johnny putting me down

"No, Storm I just told you that my hand turned to ash before I fall from the ladder...you didn't see anything?" - I asked

"I just saw you falling and I catch you like I told you I will do if you fall" - said Johnny with a smirk on his face

"Are you seriously trying to flirt? Look-" - I said ready to give him the biggest lecture of his life when...

"REED" - we heard Sue calling on the hallway

"SUE?" - Called out Johnny following the sound of her voice

"STORM WAIT" - I called taking my phone out and activate the flashlight and move to catch up to him - "you can't just run on a dark building without a source of light Storm, God! You are so dump" - I complained rolling my eyes

"SUE" - called out Johnny ignoring my remark

"JOHNNY" - called out Sue and we walked a little more until we found her using the flashlight of her own phone to walk and she was crying her heart out, what the hell?

"Sue, what's going on?" - asked Johnny in a worried tone getting close to her

"The power is out and...I don't know where Reed is or my dad...we were talking to him on his office and I don't remember anything else...is like I blackout and when I came back to it...they were gone" - explained Sue the best she could through her crying

"Now you believe me Storm, I told you something wasn't right" - I say to him

"What the hell happened?" - asked Johnny like the realization of something truly happening hit him like bucket of cold water, fucking finally

"Have you tried to call Reed's phone?" - I asked Sue and she shook her head and was about to do it when a rumble shook the ground

"What the hell was that?" - I asked confused and a little scared

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