11) Fly

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Chapter 11 | Fly

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Johnny and I quickly go on the elevator hoping it moves fast enough, I'm surprised I haven't flicker or go back to "Phantom mode", I guess I'm really back be myself, whatever the machine did fuck me up first but also helped me...or maybe Johnny did, we are both worried about what we will find up there, but I also can't stop staring at him in the elevator, the way he speak to me and all just a moment ago...maybe I was too fast to judge he hasn't change.

Then again why should we change completely who we are when we grow up? I don't think there is nothing wrong that he remains a little cocky and goofy like he was back in the day if he still can think and say things like the ones he told me on the park.

"I know I'm hot but we should focus Silverman" - said Johnny snapping me out of my thoughts and seems like we are back to our regular

"Don't flatter yourself too much Storm" - I said and we both smirk at each other

The elevator finally arrives to the lab and when the doors open we see smoke billows, windows shattered and the whole place is wrecked, we run inside and also see Sue and Reed on the ground.

"Sue!" - Calls out Johnny going to her as I go to help Richards - "I'm sorry for leaving you guys" - he apologizes to her

"No, I'm sorry for pushing you out" - said Sue to him

"What happened?" - I ask inspecting Reed

"Doom..." - grunted Reed while he slowly sits up with my help - "...he used the machine...and attack us...he was affected by the storm as well" - he explained

"He tricked me" - said a voice and I turn to see a pile of wreckage shift that starts moving until Ben comes out of it but it's like Ben-Ben he is not Ben-Thing anymore - "he used to make me normal again but power up himself as well" - he added

"Holy shit Ben" - I say getting close to help and then realize his pants are on his ankles as they are too big on him and he is naked...well hello Mr. Grimm - "Not that I don't enjoy the view, but think you should cover up" - I tease with a smirk pointing at his dick

"Fuck sorry" - said Ben quickly pulling his pants up and holding the with his hands so they don't fall again

"So...Doom evilness has taken new highs and he is a supervillain or something now? For some reason I'm not surprised at all" - I confess to them

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