13) Superheroes

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Chapter 13 | Superheroes

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"There he is" - said Johnny pointing where Doom was with everybody around him still trying to stop him

"You think we should go or wait for the others?" - I ask just when Doom shoot some kind of electrical energy to everybody around making cars explode around while people were running for cover - "ok, that answers my question" - I say shooting my green energy beam to Doom who flinched when the energy hit him

"What the fuck?" - I heard him complain looking around - "where are you Emmet?" - he asked and I shoot another beam to him but he hold one of his hands up absorbing the energy of it - "there you are" - he said pointing his hand at my direction but before he could shoot back at me with the energy he absorbed from my attack Johnny shoot a fireball to him making him grunt and turning to look at him mad

"Guess what asshole, I'm alive" - said Johnny

"Kinda late to the party torch guy" - said Sam addressing Johnny's presence

"I like to think more like fashionable late" - said Johnny defending himself and Doom was about to shoot Johnny a blast but I distracted him with my own beam

"Can you guys save the social interaction for later? We got a problem here" - I complained to both of them

"Who said that?" - asked Sam looking around

"Doesn't matter, why don't we shoot back at him as he was about to do the same at us" - I suggest and Johnny does turn around to throw a fireball at Doom

While Johnny was shooting fireballs at him, I shoot my beam from other direction and the rest of the people shoot at him with their weapons event they didn't have much effect on him, Doom was getting mad as he couldn't evade our combined attacks quickly and we thought we could overpower him but the next time I shoot a beam at him he absorb it and expanded the energy from his body pushing everybody around and even made me turn back to flesh and land on the ground with Johnny close by, guess he could get me as he used my own energy against me.

"The two of you alone even with your superior abilities are just as pathetic as this people around us" - said Doom as he was preparing to shoot another blast to us when a manhole cover suddenly hit him sending him back

"They are not alone" - said Reed as he untangled his arms from a light pole that he used to make his arms into a improvise slingshot to throw the manhole cover to Doom

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