14) Fantastic

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Chapter 14 | Fantastic

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Smut ahead proceed by your own discretion, plus I'm sorry if it's not a good smut...I'm a little awkward when it comes to sex and stuff...I'm not virgin but yeah...is just a little part, is not even like "half-smut" is like a quarter but anyway, I will put these: "XXX" before and after in case someone doesn't want to read it.

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After we beat Doom, everything were crazy, we are superheroes now, the news were all over the Fantastic Four and also me, they called me "Ghost boy" until we could do a press conference where I confirmed my name as Phantom, there was no way in hell I'll be "Ghost boy" even if Johnny thinks the name is funny, Sue also could correct her name to "Invisible Woman" instead of "Girl" like Johnny said on the X-Games.

Of course we don't only have to deal now with press but also S.H.I.E.L.D. which wasn't so bad, I mean they only want to know if we will be there when they call kinda like a Kim Possible or Ghostbusters type of deal, Nick Fury is an intimidating man so we agreed with him but they also gonna let us operate on our own, apparently superheroes didn't have to deal with more accords after what happened with Thanos, so they let us operate on our own as long as we don't cause troubles.

Fury even provides us with a help for Ben's condition giving a call to the X-Men who helped Professor Storm, Reed, Sue and me to come out with a something that may help and 8 months later we finally came up with something, I know it took long but Ben was fine with the waiting thanks to Alicia being there for him, but today we are gonna give it to him just before the celebration party we have about the new remodeling of the Baxter Tower that is now the Fantastic Four Tower because new year, new start.

"Are you guys sure that this is gonna work?" - asked Ben a little unsure

"Come on old man we didn't work so hard on it for nothing" - complained Ellie with her arms crossed over her chest

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