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Funny numbrrrrrr-

Be prepared for a very "poetic" chapter skdjksnskx-

Erm, update schedule? Never heard of 'em-

*nervous sweat*



It entranced him.

How easily he could escape the world by letting its dark claws grip around his throat and pull him under into it's chilling embrace.

All he had to do was close his eyes, take in a deep breath, and let go.

It helped him ignore the sounds, metal-on-metal and the echoing drips of distant water. It was like a friend to him, always there when he needed it, and he was able to return to its clutches.

Welsknight knew the Darkness well by now. Many different kinds of Darkness. But this one surpassed all others.

Instead of fighting against him, it fought alongside him.

Pushing him to be the best he could be, even while he was locked away where no one had been able to find him.

No one had been able to find them.

It had been weeks now; almost a month.

So Welsknight sat patiently, letting the Darkness overcome him.

No one was coming to save him, so why waste the energy.



It scared him.

How he had just let it take control, thinking it would be for the best. It had been for the better, at first.

But then, the Darkness has a mind—and a plan—of its own. It had changed, going against his wishes.

And in the end, he could not stop it.

Darkness was just too powerful.

A deep red and black Darkness.

It banished him to the back of his mind, forcing him to look through somebody else's eyes, even though they were his own.

Even a wizard mayor, sitting atop a diamond throne, had no power over the Darkness.

Scar knew this.

That's why he had kept one bit of information from the Darkness, even though it would come back to haunt him: he had saved the boy's life.

Watching from the back seat, he had seen Helskinght sentence Grian's banishment, the fury radiating off of his mind overwhelming.

Helsknight had wanted to kill him.

Scar had given him this one saving grace, praying to Notch that the Watcher would soon realize that what had happened wasn't part of the fun.

This was real.

And so was the sword in the shadowy knight's right hand.



It soothed him.

It gave him something to look at, even if he was looking at nothing. It was akin to the feeling of floating through space.

He knew something bad had happened to him back in the conscious world.

He'd ran into a tree after all.

Mumbo knee what it was like to die. It sucked your breath out of you, but then, you respawned.

But in this world... he would t come back.

Banished: Resistance is FutileWhere stories live. Discover now