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I am going to assume that if you've read this far you don't need any chapter warnings.


I have been trying to write this chapter for months.

I have had many ideas for this chapter.

Many bad ideas, a few good ideas.

I decided on this one, though.

This one makes me happy.

Very. Happy.

Check the tags!



"Iskool?" Stress called out through the jungle. "You thear?"

She had reached the coordinates, but she couldn't see anyone.

Being a smarty, she pulled a night vision potion from her pocket, downing it. And in a flash, the dim lighting was eliminated. She could even see the moon in the distance, starting to rise behind the clouds.

There. A flash of red. Mumbo's tie.

It must be.

She scrambled over to the color, praying it was them-

-only to find a parrot perched in a tree.

"Pesky birds." Kicking the tree, Stress leaned backwards against it, turning to face outwards.

The parrot could tell something was troubling the girl. Something big. It let out a little squawk.

"Shoo," she said to it, waving her hand in annoyance.

The parrot hopped off of the branch, flying up a few blocks. In the distance, it could see two men laying on the ground.

Returning to its perch, the parrot nudged Stress' shoulder.

"What do you want!?" she exclaimed, anger lacing her voice. She turned to face the parrot, only having to duck as it flew out from the branch. "Oh!"

She chased after it, getting the message. It had seen something.

She instantly regretted yelling at the bird.

The two reached Mumbo and Iskall, Stress placing a handful of seeds on the ground, which the bird gratefully accepted.

Bringing her attention to the men right in front of her, she could see Iskall had fallen asleep, Mumbo's hand clasped in his own.

Awwww, the poor things... Gently shaking Iskall's shoulder, the Swede woke up, eyes foggy from the nap.


"Ello luv. Miss me?" Stress bent forward, planting a quick kiss on Iskall's right left cheek before assessing Mumbo.

There was a bit of blood matted in his hair. Probably from bashing his head into the tree. There were also some bruises as far as she could tell.

Also a strange marking in his arm.

A thin, long line, like he'd been cut.

Thin long line... a- She covered her mouth, Iskall giving her a look. "I-I- don't mind me, luv."

Iskall returned to petting the parrot, adrenaline still flowing through his veins, making him jumpy and unobservant.

Stress gently opened her bag, hands shaking slightly as she prepared a line-up of potions. Healing, strength, sleeping, and a few others. She also grabbed a bandage roll to cover Mumbo's head injury.

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