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"I want this."

"Want what?"

"To stay here. Like this. Forever." Something about sitting in Xanthus' lap made Grian feel safe.

"You know that isn't possible..."

"Can't you just stop time? You're, like, the physical embodiment of Minecraft."

Xanthus shook his head. "That would mess up the balance."

Grian moaned, burying himself further in Xan's embrace, the Voidling compensating for the change in position, trying not to hurt Grian's already-injured wings.

(You may have noticed, you may have not. Yes... I'm platonically shipping GEX. Now continue reading...)

"I guess," Grian yawned, closing his eyes. The Watcher was so small, sitting on the Enderian's lap.

Xanthus noticed the slowing of his breathing, the deepening of it.

Grian had fallen asleep.

The Voidling looked down at the Watcher.

He looked like a bird, resting in its nest, even without his wings in their usual position.

Casting a harmless sleeping spell to keep him from waking up, Xanthus picked up Grian in his arms, making sure to support his wings properly.

As he laid him on the couch where they had both been sitting, Xanthus thought.

Yes, thinking was a dangerous pastime, but he did it anyway.

He needed to tell Grian.

He needed to tell him all the things he didn't know yet.

But he couldn't all at once. The surprise would... be shocking.

With a final glance at the sleeping Watcher, Xanthus left the living room, heading into the kitchen. Maybe he'd like some cookies when he wakes up.



The door creaked open, light filtering into the basement.

Footsteps echoed down the half-rotten staircase as someone descended down into the dust.

"I'm making cookies," he yelled down the stairs. "I'll bring you some when they're ready."

The footsteps returned to climbing up the stairs, not even waiting for an answer.

He knew that there wouldn't be one anyways.

The thing in the basement never responded.

All it did was build.

Build rustic houses.

And sit in silence.

It would think to itself while is sat, all alone.

It would ponder over the fact that it existed.

Why did it exist?

Why had it been built?

...What even was it?

It never could figure out.

But he man upstairs would always bring it food.

Even the man upstairs who knew everything did not know what it was.

He knew it could nod its head. He knew it could eat.

...He acted like a human but looked like a machine.

Half human, and half machine.




Xanthus slipped the gloves onto his hands, opening the oven door, letting the smell of freshly baked cookies wafted into his nose.

Sighing deeply, he took the gingerbread cookies from the oven and onto the island, moving the cookies onto a cooling rack.

Hearing footsteps from the direction of the basement door, Xanthus looked up, pulling off the gloves. "Why hello there, friend. Care for a cookie?"

It slowly pushed open the door, poking out its head.

It looked similar to the man sleeping in the other room, but nothing like him at the same time.

The eyes, the skin, the magical aura that you could see glowing in the air right above his skin... the wings.

But he wore a red jumper, just like Grian.

"YES I WOULD," it responded, hobbling over to a seat at the table.

It had just... shown up one day. No message in chat saying someone has joined the game, nothing.

It wasn't a player, so maybe that was why.

Xanthus grabbed a spatula, sliding a few cookies onto a plate and bringing them over to it.

It nodded its head in thanks, the shuddering motion full of gratitude.

Xanthus smiled, grabbing his helmet from where he had put in on the island.

He didn't even sense Grian walk into the kitchen. "NPG!?!???!?"


WHAT!? Grian stared at NPG, dumbfounded. "WHA- Where did you find it!?!??!" Grian looked at Xanthus, eyes bulging.

NPG visibly shrunk in on itself, trying to hide in plain sight. "H-HELLO, GR-GRIAN."

"Hello... N-NPG..."

Xanthus looked between the two, trying to make sense of what was happening. "What's going on, Gri-"

"This is NPG, or NPC Grian... my unfinished experiment."

NPG waved a little broken wave, its body shaking fright. "DON'T H-H-HU-HURT M-M-M-ME..."

Now it was Xanthus' turn to stare.

Straight into Grian's soul.

"What. Did. You. Do."



Maya <3

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