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For those who are associated: Joe finished your orders. Here. *holds out a basket full of glowing and weird-colored liquid-filled bottles* Take your pick.

J-just please don't continue with that war y'all were talking about starting... I gave you the potions, now be responsible with your decisions o.o And no amount of bombing can get rid of that unpublish button. Only the placement of an invisible armor stand can-

I accept all death threats!!!!

And remember, you are ALLOWED—yes, you have permission—to blow up my notifications with song and/or role play chains and speak in Galactic. If I said you couldn't, then I'd be a hypocrite-

Enjoy the chapter!

Warnings: Forced possession, blood, censored cursing (but ey, that's in all chapters).


"A quaint cottage in the woods. Whodda thunk..." The man climbed down from the roof of his house, it's spruce roof finally done. It has only taken him hours, not being a builder himself. He usually blew up things or burnt things down, not build them up...

The sun had started to rise, casting a stark yellow glow over the desolate mesa. The man placed the door, looking out the over the world. A zombie walked up to him, staring at the man with lifeless eyes, before lumbering away.

That was a benefit of becoming one with the Void: hostile mobs no longer attacked you. They barely even paid attention to you.

The man in question was an Enderian himself, akin to our derpy admin. His helmet no longer served a purpose, since the Void and he had merged, so to speak. The Overworld air was no longer as toxic as it would have been. Helpful for sleeping.

He slipped inside the house, taking off his helmet and setting it down on the crafting bench. Stretching his legs, he sat down on the freshly-crafted bed, sighing in relief as he laid back, pulling his legs onto the bed. He turned on his specialized communicator for the first time since his arrival. Why he hadn't checked it yet, he had no clue. Maybe out of fear? No, he was never scared. Never...

Powering up the bracelet, he checked which server he was on, if it even was a server.

Casually glancing at the words, he returned back to laying down-

"HERMITCRAFT!?!?" He sat up yelling, doing a double take on the stats. "Eh-wha-how-I-"

Now, as out mysterious person overreacts to where he has been building his house, do you want to know a secret?

Only between you, the reader, and me, the Author.

This man...

He will redeem himself.

He is a brother.

A friend.

He is Xanthus Enyal Void.


"Now, Mr. Goodtimes... Stop making this difficult." Hels pressed the crystal into the mayor's hands. "Do. It."

"No." Scar placed the black and red crystal on the nightstand by the bed, the smoke around it growing and spilling off the table's edges.

"Then you leave me no choice. I think I can do this myself..." Hels grabbed the crystal. Concentrating, he closed his eyes and thought about his end goal.

"What... what are you d-doing?" Scar grabbed his staff from where it laid next to the bed against the wall, flipping it upside down and pointing the sharpened end at Hels.

"What needs to be done." A white light shot out from under his hand, weaving its way through his fingers.

Laughing as his body started turning transparent, Scar gasped as his body burst into pain, Hels walking towards and diving into Scar.

"It worked." Scar could hear a voice inside his head.

"Wh-What did you do...!?" Scar grabbed at his head, wincing as his broken legs ached in pain.

"It's pretty comfy in here."

"I-In?!" Scar's eyes almost popped out of his head when he realized what had happened. He slowly saw his vision darken around the edges, a red hue appearing on the world in front of him.

Going to tell Hels to get the hell out of his body, he seemed to not be able to move his mouth.

"This is more like it," Hels said using Scar's mouth. Forcing the broken body to stand, he grabbed a special potion from his inventory—it was dark magenta—popped out the cork, and downed it, the leg bones in Scar's body healing within seconds.

"Stop this, Hels! You f***ing bastard!" Scar yelled mentally from inside Hels possessing him. It was getting rather complicated for the wizard to understand what was going on.

"How about no." Hels' voice has fully adjusted to fit Scar's tone, the sound coming out of the once-clean mouth identical to its former owner. "How about we go pay the town hall a visit."

Almost as if he had taken the back seat, Scar's "ears" no longer could hear clear words, the sounds meeting his—no, Hels'—eardrums muffled to him. 'Will Jellie notice?' was Scar's last thought before Hels left Larry.


"Here, kitty."


Grian sighed in annoyance as Jellie sat her rump down on a chest, licking her paw. He tail flopped over the back edge of the chest, draping down towards the floor. "Oh come off it, just take the stupid fish." He waved the raw swimmer in front of her.

'If it's stupid then I do not want it.'

"You've GOT to be kidding me!" He flopped onto his bed, stomach first, wings in the air, dropping the fish onto the floor.

'Now it's dirty.'

"Shut up," his muffled voice replied.

Getting up from her perch gracefully, she strut over to the winged hermit, saying, 'If you want me to eat, at least take me to the river near by. I'd rather have it fresh.'

Grian just moaned into his pillow. Jellie let out a burst of air through her nose, clawing at his leg. "Fiiiiine. I don't want to end up killing you through starvation. Scar would have my head!" He made a slicing motion at his neck, causing the sassy kitty to roll her eyes and go for the exit.

'I'll meet you outside.'

Grian grabbed his coat, for the fall evenings brought with them the first kisses of winter, sliding his wings through the openings in the back. He also took an empty thermos and filled it with hot cocoa, which he had been heating up in the furnace. Placing the silver container in his inventory, he flicked off the lights and followed Jellie outside.


Hey guysssssss!!!!

Happy Day of the Departed aka Halloween! That's what my sisters and I call it. Or whatever holiday your country is celebrating today, happy that! ^-^

Send dem theories! —>

Maya <3

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