Harmless Fun

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Summary: you annoy Daisy by playfully flirting with drunk, disgusting men at the bar. Remember requests are still open! Everything is welcome! Oh and already a happy new year! May 2021 be better than 2020 :)

This mission had you bored out of your mind. The target was supposed to show up in the busy bar for his usual afternoon beer, but precisely today, he decided to stay away. 

Maybe he had intel some SHIELD agents would be there to bust his ass, but no way to be sure. What it meant was a lost night you also could have spent in bed, watching a movie with your girl. 

Speaking of that girl, Daisy got off the bar stool next to you to go to the bathroom. It surprised you she didn't had to go earlier. She'd had a couple drinks already to make up for the boredom.

As soon as she was gone, a disgusting looking man walked up to you. Although ''walked'' maybe wasn't the right word for it. He stumbled, clearly having had a lot more drinks than your girlfriend.

His breath smelled of alcohol and so did the rest of him. He was a regular.

Out of the corner of you eye, you could see Mack stand up to shoo him away, but you discreetly raised your hand to stop him. If this mission was so boring, maybe you could have some fun misleading him. It was cruel but fun.

His first mistake was standing way too close to you, laying his hand on your shoulder. ''Hello darling. What is a pretty lady like you doing sitting here alone, drinking by herself?'' He slurred over his words and you tried to hold back a laugh.

You cringed at his touch, forcing yourself not to cringe away. ''My date has run off, I'm afraid,'' you said sadly. It was partly true but he didn't know she would be back any second and kick his ass.

The man shook his head excessively, almost falling over at how fast he did it. ''I can't believe that. I guess his loss is my gain then.''

You fake smiled. ''I guess so.''

In your ear, you could hear Mack chuckle through your comms. ''Y/N you're so cruel.''

You suppressed a laugh, instead focusing on the man in front of you who had somehow found even more courage and raised his hand to the bartender. ''One drink for...'' he trailed off, realizing he didn't even know your name.

''Y/N,'' you answered him, sending the bartender a silent apology with your eyes, although he enjoyed seeing you toy with him. It was quite obvious, but in his drunken state, your victim didn't see that.

He smacked his hand on the bar loudly. ''One drink for Y/N. Put it on my tab Bill.'' See, regular.

Bill smiled at you knowingly, tapping a beer. ''Sure thing, Harry.''

Harry picked up his own glass, clanking it against yours in a cheers. ''So are you from around here? I haven't seen you in here before,'' he started his interrogation, leaning even closer to you. 

You still played along, swirling the liquid in your glass around. Harry was looking at you like you were a goddess. ''I am not, actually. Just moved here.'' Again, a half-lie. You weren't from around here, but you had moved to this region because of the SHIELD base being here. 

''Ah,'' Harry exclaimed loudly, ''for work, family?''

From behind him, you could see Daisy come out of the restroom and she had trouble keeping a straight face. Over the comms, she had undoubtedly heard everything. 

''Love, actually,'' you managed to squeeze in, right before Daisy walked up next to you and wrapped her arm around you, planting a kiss on your cheek. ''Hi babe,'' you said, looking up at her adoringly.

''Hi,'' she smiled back, playing along with the whole thing. ''Who's your friend?''

''This is Harry.'' You gestured to him. ''Harry, this is my girlfriend.''

''But.'' Harry's head snapped from you to Daisy and back, trying to understand the situation. ''You said your date had ran off.''

You nodded, pulling Daisy a little more against you to piss him off more. Hopefully this would teach him a lesson. ''Yeah, to go to the bathroom.''

Harry grumbled something and took it as his cue to leave, embarrassment written all over his face. 

''I can't leave you alone for one minute,'' Daisy chuckled, shaking her head and taking her place on the stool again. ''One minute and you got men drooling all over you.''

You shrugged, taking a sip of your beer. ''I can't help that I'm so attractive. You got competition everywhere,'' you teased her.

Daisy scrunched her nose. ''Was he competition?'' She scoffed. ''Then I should really up my game.''

You shook your head. ''Nah, you're good,'' you joked. 

Daisy scoffed, shoving you lightly. ''I don't think the target's going to show up. Let's just go.''

''I agree, this is a dead end for tonight.'' Mack gave his opinion, emptying his drink in the corner of the bar at one of the tables. 

You celebrated, wasting no time in standing from the stool and throwing some money on the counter with a fair tip for Bill for the trouble. 

He winked at you, which you answered with a playful flirty smile, knowing it wouldn't go unnoticed. 

Daisy groaned, grabbing your wrist and tugging you to the door. ''Okay Miss Flirt, we're leaving now.''

''Bye Bill!'' you waved over your shoulder. If someone hadn't paid attention, they would have thought you were drunk. In reality, you were teasing your girlfriend who didn't like it at all.

You were convinced if Mack weren't here, she would have pushed you against the wall outside to remind you that you're hers and no one else's. Lucky for you, he was there and laughed just as much as you did, walking back to the car.

That only grew worse at Daisy's pouting face in the rearview mirror. Mack didn't drink any alcohol and therefore drove them back to base, the two women in the backseat. One smiling and chuckling at her annoyed girlfriend, the other secretly finding it very funny but unable to give in now.

''Come on.'' You dragged out the last syllable, ''You have to admit his face was hilarious.''

A tiny smile broke through. ''It was,'' Daisy finally admitted, unable to keep a straight face.

''Ha! I knew it!'' You celebrated, which earned you another shove.

''The last thing he expected was there would be a girlfriend,'' Mack joined in from the front seat. He's had a front row seat to the whole show.

''And a small, cute, pretty one,'' you wiggled your eyebrows at Daisy, making sure to catch her gaze.

She rolled her eyes, trying to push you away. ''Now you're just kissing up on me.''

But you weren't giving up easily. ''A small, cute, pretty one who could throw his ass across the room with her pinkie.''

She glared at you, taking in your words and the look in your eyes. ''Keep going and maybe I'll forget to be angry,'' she eventually gave in.

You both laughed when Mack groaned, wishing he was someplace else. ''Please wait until we're back at base. I really don't need to hear this.''

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