Who Are You?

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Summary: Everyone believed you were dead when a building collapsed on top of you on a mission. But six months later, the team runs into you while preventing HYDRA from taking a dangerous weapon. Problem is: you don't remember any of them, including your girlfriend.

Why do I always get carried away and write a 4000 word chapter... Oh well, I hope you enjoyed hehe. Keep sending in requests if you want to! 

This mission was important, that was what your leader told you. He needed your absolute focus and maximum effort to secure this weapon in a science research lab in Georgia. You were perfect for the job because as an Inhuman, your power was invisibility. 

You could take the security and scientists out before they even knew what hit them.

You would go in first, take everyone out unnoticed and then call in the people who were going to move the weapon.

It had been vaguely explained to you what the weapon could do, but it was basically an EMP that would take out Inhumans with one push on a button. It was kind of conflicting to help secure a weapon that would mean your own destruction too, but your leader had promised you would be far away when it was used.

Besides, you knew disobeying orders was a bad idea. 

The jet landed a couple blocks away from the facility that was located in an industrial part of town, which meant less witnesses. 

You checked the earpiece in your ear and jogged off the ramp. You waited until right before security would see you to actually turn invisible. It was something you could hold for some time, but it took a lot of energy so you rather not use it for too long since you also still had to take out people.

You silently ducked under the gate, the gatekeeper seeing nothing, and walked behind him. With one hand over his mouth to stop him from screaming, you squeezed his windpipe closed and waited for him to pass out. He struggled a little, but nothing too major.

You jogged further over the grass to the back entrance, running into two more security guys on either side of the steel door. It sucked they were together because you could only do one at a time and you preferred not to kill them. Unfortunately, you didn't really have another choice here.

You soundlessly loaded your gun and before the two men saw what hit them, they were down. These wouldn't wake up anymore, unlike the guy at the gate.

The device you placed on the security lock beeped and the light flashed green. It was night, which meant there were the minimum amount of people present in the facility.

You ran through the hallway, clearing the path to the weapon, which was in the middle of the building. One by one, you took down the scientists, mechanics and security, none of them really putting up a fight. You did get stabbed with a sharp tool one of the mechanics was holding. You should have known better than to try and strangle him while he was holding that.

''All clear,'' you spoke into your ear as you looked around the room. At least a dozen people lay on the ground unconscious and there was nobody else in sight, so you dared turn back to a visible state. 

You carefully walked around the weapon, studying it. It was big. At least a couple feet taller than you and very heavy. It would take a while to disable it temporarily and transport it out of the facility. 

''Very good, Y/N,'' your leader praised you and you smiled thankfully.

However, somewhere deep inside your heart, you knew this wasn't right. What you were doing was wrong. The Hydra on your sleeve didn't feel right. Wasn't it supposed to be a different symbol. Another animal? 

Daisy Johnson ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat