The New Deal (7x01)

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Summary: you are a guest at the 1930's party of Governor Roosevelt, when you run into a couple people you don't know. One brunette in a green dress enchants you and before you know it, you are pulled into her crazy world. Based on the events in 7x01. Not sure if I'm completely happy with how this turned out, but I hope you like it :)

The jazzy music filled your ears, your long satin dress flowing down your body. From all the partygoers in fancy suits, you had gotten quite a lot of stares and flirtatious looks. It wasn't a surprise because you looked absolutely gorgeous. 

With your father being a rich politician in the big city of New York, you were always wearing the most expensive fabrics and exquisite coats. Not that any of that mattered to you. Looks weren't important, what was inside your heart and brain, that was. However, living in the 30's, men didn't care about that. They just wanted a wife who would clean the house and give them children. 

Just the thought of being a mindless help exhausted you. So you pushed every man away who asked you out, letting them think you were playing hard-to-get. When in reality you were much more interested in the other women around you. Not that anyone knew. Nobody could ever know.

As a woman of high status, you knew everyone and everyone knew you. But when a group of misfits stepped into the room, no lightbulb went off in your head. 

There was a tall, broad, dark-skinned man who immediately got dirty looks. His suit however, was of high quality as was the suit of the older white man he was chatting to. They were posing as the staff, but something about them was off. 

Another young man you didn't recognize, walked up to the bar where the others were. He wasn't from town either. But he wasn't who caught your eye. 

Next to him walked the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. Her bright green dress stood out from all the dark clothes in the room. It suited her skin color perfectly, a light tan, and complimented her dark brown hair that was up in an amazing hairdo. She received other stares from the woman in the room, but they were mostly jealous of her. You weren't, you were incredibly attracted to her.

The four of them chatted secretive, looking around the room suspiciously, which only heightened your interest in them. In her.

You stood there in the middle of the room, between all the tables filled with people. There was an excited buzz. Everyone was waiting for the entrance of Governor Roosevelt. You should be concentrated on that, but there was something about that mysterious woman across the room that pulled you in.

You must have stared a little too obvious, because one of the men, the older white man, looked your way, said something to the woman which caused her to follow his gaze. 

''I believe you have an admirer,'' Coulson said to Daisy with a faint smile on his lips. 

Daisy furrowed her eyebrows. The last thing she needed was for someone to ruin their mission. ''What?'' She looked into the room, into the direction Coulson was looking, and saw immediately who he meant. 

A gorgeous woman stood there, a drink in her hand, completely lost and out of place. The team members were the ones out of time, but this woman in her expensive dress didn't look too comfortable either.

Your eyes met for only a brief moment, a heartbeat. But it hit you as if she had punched you in the chest.

With a blush on your cheeks, you looked away and hurried off. Without a doubt, you had betrayed yourself and your feelings. It was a stupid mistake. You should have been much more careful. If someone saw or found out about your attraction to women, it would ruin you. Would ruin your father's career and your whole family would be laughed at.

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