Fake Wife

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Summary: you and Daisy are sent on a mission where you have to pretend to be her girlfriend. Like always, enjoy and DM me with any requests!

The moment Coulson called you and Daisy into his office with that smug smile on his face, you knew you would be screwed. It apparently wasn't a secret you really liked Daisy, but you kept denying that was the case and Daisy had never done anything that indicated she felt anything for you. 

On top of that, you were really shy when it came to making a move, always hoping someone else would do that for you. That was a big reason you were still alone. That and the fact that finding a woman loving woman was kinda hard when you lived in a single SHIELD base and saw the same people over and over again.

When Coulson explained to you this would be a recon mission at a fancy party with lots of important people, you were excited. But the nerves settled in when he broke the news that you and Daisy had to pretend to date since only couples were allowed inside. 

''Sir?'' Daisy almost choked on air when he said that while your face grew red next to her. Fortunately, she didn't see it.

Coulson had trouble stopping his laugh. ''You heard me, Agent Johnson. You and Y/N will have to pretend to be married to get inside the party.''

You stepped forward a little. ''Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why me?''

''Have you forgotten about the fact that you can literally read people's minds?'' Yeah it is a good thing they couldn't read yours at the moment. 

So you were off the next evening. First flying to the city and then Mack driving you to the party with a fancy car.

You and Daisy were good friends, so you expected things not to be too awkward. At least you hoped so. 

You were already in the Zephyr, twisting your fake wedding ring around your finger. It felt strange but you'd have to remind yourself to stop playing with it at the party. People would notice it was an unusual accessory and grow suspicious. 

You had chosen a velvet, dark blue wrap dress for tonight. Luxurious enough to blend in with the crowd but not flashy enough to stand out. It fell to the floor, even with your heels on, and the spaghetti straps left your shoulders bare. It wasn't an uncomfortable dress, but you almost never wore one so it was a little awkward.

When you heard another pair of heels walk into the room, you automatically looked up only to find Daisy in her best party dress too. Your breath hitched and hands grew sweaty from her appearance. She looked absolutely stunning. 

Daisy saw you staring at her, too entranced to notice it became too obvious, and had to suppress her smile. She wasn't stupid and knew you took a liking to her. She had just never had the guts to actually make a move and since you didn't either, she wondered if she had read the signals right or was just imagining things.

''Hi. You ready?'' She asked you, taking place in a chair across from you. 

You shook your head to clear your mind, scolding yourself for acting so stupid. ''Ready to be your fake wife,'' you chuckled, holding your hand up to show her the ring.

''Good because it would be sad if this was one-sided.'' Daisy meant the marriage, but you couldn't help but hear the double meaning behind it.

It was tempting to use your gift on her and just read her mind to see if she liked you too, but you had a rule for yourself that you would never read anyone's mind unless they were a target or in danger. And both those things didn't include Daisy Johnson. 

You arrived at the party two hours later, Mack parking the car in front of the huge building the party would be at. Smiling knowingly, he opened Daisy's door for her. She nodded him in thanks before reaching into the car and offering her hand to you. You took it gently, ignoring the butterflies soaring in your stomach, and looped your arm through hers.

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