Familiar Stranger

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Summary: when you get called into SHIELD, you run into a very familiar brunette you had one night of fun with a couple months ago.

Even though you never stopped being a secret SHIELD Agent, you hadn't actively worked for the organization since it fell. You were still active, ready to be called in, but that hadn't been necessary until now. 

You weren't sure why you were being called in, all you knew was Coulson needed your help and if the Director called, you came. 

A Quinjet picked you up close to your home in LA, where you had been living for almost three years now. It wasn't your home, that was with SHIELD, but you did love the city. 

May nodded a hello when you stepped in. You had known her for years but she wasn't more than a colleague. Agent May didn't have many friends, if she even called them that. You were sure that underneath that hard exterior, she had a big heart.

It wouldn't be a long flight to HQ, wherever that may be nowadays. With the Triskelion still intact, it was damn clear where it was, the building towering high. But you had no idea where you were headed today.

After about an hour, Agent May slowed the plane down and started her descent. You gathered your stuff, sliding your tablet back in your bag. No doubt it would be checked just like the rest of your stuff, before it got sent back to you. Not that you cared about that, you had nothing to hide.

You followed May off the jet to the yellow door in the hanger. The hangar was huge, so to say. You didn't recognize it, which meant this was either a new base or a very old one. 

Agents hurried around you, paying no attention to the newcomer. You had missed this. The rush, the stress, the people. Living on your own was great, but being by yourself could become lonely.

May handed you your lanyard, which you held in front of a scanner like she did. A second door behind the first required the same action and when that one slid open, you were greeted by a face you hadn't seen in years. 

''Coulson,'' you smiled brightly. You knew he wasn't really a hugger, so you just gave him a firm handshake. He was just as happy as you to have you back here. Reliable and trustworthy agents were hard to come by.

''Agent Y/L/N, welcome back.''

''Thank you, sir.'' He started walking back to his office and you walked next to him, taking in the base. ''I appreciate the personal greeting.''

''I had some time,'' Coulson joked back. ''So, what do you think.'' He gestured around. 

You weren't sure what to think of the base. It was old and dark, but you actually didn't mind that. It felt cozy and safe. And safety was the most important part about SHIELD. 

He saw the gears in your head turn and decided to satisfy some of your curiosity. ''It's an old SSR base from the war.''

''SSR as in Peggy Carter?'' You asked in shock. You were a big admirer of the SHIELD Agent. Peggy had been so important to the organization and you had nothing but respect for her. 

A very British voice behind you made you turn around. ''Oh a fellow fangirl! Coulson who is this? I like her.'' The small girl looked you up and down, but not in an impolite way.

''Remember I was going to call in an Agent from LA?'' He gestured to you as to say: this is her.

The woman offered her hand and you shook it warmly. ''Oh it is so nice to meet you! I'm Jemma Simmons.'' You immediately liked her. This woman was incredibly kind and enthusiastic, let alone smart because you had heard of FitzSimmons just like every other Agent. Not that you weren't well-known within SHIELD. 

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