What if... (4x16)

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Summary: you wake up in the framework, not knowing you are in it, and find Daisy completely different than you used to know her. She keeps rambling about this being a fake world and a need to get out. 

You startled awake by Daisy whispering your name, which wasn't unusual. What was unusual was the look on her face. It scared you so much that you were awake immediately. 

She stood at the edge of the bed, hair wet and only a bathrobe covering her body. She had taken a shower or a bath to wake up. But her face showed so much relief, anxiety and stress that you immediately knew something was going on. Your first instinct was something had happened at work or they had found out you and her were inhuman.

You sat up in bed, just in time to catch her hug. You furrowed your eyebrows but hugged her back, not sure what the occasion was but not doubting it. ''What is going on, babe?'' you asked her worried when she pulled back and looked at you as if you had been gone a week.

''It is really you,'' she whispered more to herself than you.

''Yes, it is me, baby.'' You gently grabbed her hands to stop them from figdeting. ''What is going on, did you have a nightmare?''

''I-'' she stopped herself, hesitating. She looked away, unsure how to word her thoughts. You had never seen her so panicked. At least not without any context. 

You tried to catch her gaze, ducking a little. ''You can tell me everything, you know that, right?''

She sighed, the situation frustrating her. ''I know, but you won't believe me.''

''Hey, try me.'' You smiled with encouragement. 

She studied your face and was satisfied with whatever she came up with. She shifted around on the bed, mentally preparing herself to speak. ''This world, this... reality, it is not real.'' You stared at her blankly, wanting her to finish her story first.

''We are trapped into a mind prison, ran by an AI to keep our bodies sedated. In the real world, you are in danger and I need to figure out where your body is being held. We have to get out of here, detach our minds from the framework and I need to come get you.''

You blinked a couple times, trying to process what she had told you. It sounded absolutely absurd, but you knew Daisy, she wasn't lying. And to be honest, this world had always seemed off. 

You nodded, trusting her completely. ''Okay, what do we do?''

''Just like that, you believe me?'' Daisy was in complete shock, prepared to explain everything to you five hundred times if that was what it took to make you believe her. The last thing she expected was for you to believe her immediately.

You smiled at her. ''You and I have seen far weirder things than a virtual mind prison.'' You stopped, remembering this Daisy didn't experience those things with you. ''Or at least the other you, although I have a feeling I saw some weird things with you in the real world too.''

She just smiled at you in return. 

A question burned on your tongue. ''So why do I not know I'm in a mind prison, but you do?''

''I went in willingly and changed the code to protect myself and our friend so we would remember why we were here. We need to go meet her as soon as possible.''

''Do I know this friend?'' you questioned.

''Jemma Simmons? Works for SHIELD?''

You jumped up, covering her mouth with your hand. Daisy looked at you weirdly, but your eyes shot through the room in a panic. You warned her with your eyes and removed your hand, putting your pointer finger to your lips as a sign for her to stay silent, then dragged her from the bed and into the bathroom. 

Daisy Johnson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now