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Summary: I think the title is pretty self-explanatory but you and Daisy train together :)

''We doin' with or without powers?'' You asked your girlfriend with a playful smirk as you got ready on the black mat. 

Daisy brushed her hair out of her face, slightly jumping up and down to keep her body warm. ''How about you try to beat me by playing fair for once?''

You smiled, raising your fists to your chest. ''Alright, without it is.''

Normally, these fights were over quickly because you could read her moves before she did them. It was so funny to see her try her best to surprise you with a kick or blow but you just stepped aside. Her frustrating growls usually filled the room quick. But today it would be a lot harder for you to beat her. 

Honestly, she was the better fighter and you knew it. Which is why you relied on your powers so much. That was why it was smart to train like this sometimes.

''If I feel so much as a gust of wind, you're dead,'' you teased her as she got ready too. Daisy's short and tight top was distracting you, something she did intentionally to give her an advantage. You weren't stupid though and used her own tricks against her. 

You started circling around the mat, keeping a close eye on the other's moves. ''And if I feel you poking around in my brain, you'll be the one who's done for.''

''Don't go easy on me,'' you warned.


Daisy came at you first, which was her usual move. After training with her for months, you knew exactly what moves she did most and which she liked best. However, the opposite was also true: she knew everything you did.

You stopped her fist right before it hit your face, swatting it away and going for your own punch to her stomach. Daisy skillfully dodged it, and tried to hit your face again, but you ducked under it, grabbing her waist as you did so and kneeing her in her stomach.

She stumbled back and came back a lot more aggressive this time, knowing you were getting real. With a high kick aimed at your head, she distracted you thinking she was going for that when actually she crouched down and swept your legs away from under you. 

You stumbled but didn't fall, grabbing her arm when she stood again. Turning your back towards her, you tried flipping her over your shoulder, but Daisy had foreseen your move and stepped around your body, twisting her wrist so she was the one holding your arm now. 

With a painful turn on your arm, she forced you to your knees to avoid breaking your bones. ''I said I liked to go low for you, but this isn't what I meant,'' you grunted. 

Your distraction worked, Daisy's grip faltering long enough for you to break out of it. You laughed at her annoyed face, pissed at herself for losing concentration.

''I thought you were going to play fair,'' she growled. 

A chuckle escaped you. ''Sorry baby, but I am.'' This time, you were first to attack, but Daisy was keen on winning. 

You jabbed at her face twice, what Daisy dodged by bending backwards, then you tried a round kick but she saw that coming too. Before your foot was back on the ground, her fist hit your stomach and the next one hit your cheek. Like you said, she really was the better fighter.

You stumbled backwards, tripping over your own feet, but with a backwards roll, you were back on your feet just in time to ignore the elbow coming for your ribs. 

Both of you got more and more frustrated when nobody seemed to go down permanently. Hits and blows rarely landed or didn't do much. The fighting had forced you to the edge of the mat, having to back away to avoid Daisy's fists and feet. When she still couldn't hit you and you sent her a triumphant smirk, it sent her over the edge.

With one blast of her powers, she had your back hitting the wall with a thud. It didn't hurt as much as it surprised you. 

Daisy's face was so close to yours when you looked up that your breath got stuck in your throat. ''You are frustrating the hell out of me, and not the good kind.'' Her breath travelled over your neck and you had to force yourself to stay still. The temptation to kiss her was so big.

''You cheated,'' you simply answered, your smirk only frustrating her more. With her hands on both sides of your head, she had you trapped.

She glared at you. ''Shut up.''

''Make me.''

Daisy's eyes widened and she wasted to time in leaning in. But right before her lips touched yours, you hooked your leg behind hers and pushed her backwards. With a thud, Daisy fell on her back on the ground. 

''Ha! Yes! I win!'' You raised your arms in the air, jumping up and down happily. What you didn't notice was Daisy taking this opportunity to swipe your legs from under you. You fell next to her on the mat with a yelp, your breath blown out of your lungs. 

The annoyance on Daisy's face had made place for a wide smile, probably the result of your priceless face and yell. ''Did you?'' she chuckled as she climbed on top of you. It wasn't unusual for your sparring sessions to end like this.

''Let's call it a tie,'' you breathed. Her sudden closeness had your head spinning. 

''I think I might need some convincing.'' Damn Daisy was smooth as hell. You chuckled but grabbed her face anyways, pressing your lips against hers.

You could feel her smile right before she pulled back, staring into your eyes with sparkles in her own. ''Maybe some more,'' she dared you.

One eyebrow raised on your face. ''How much are we talking about?''

''It would definitely involve you going low again.''

Your mouth dropped open and your eyes widened at her directness, shamelessly suggesting going back to the bedroom to finish this there. Without any hesitation, you tried getting up, pushing her off of you and scrambling to your feet. ''Let's go.''

Her laugh followed you through the door and the hallways as you pulled her with you impatiently, back to your shared room.

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