The Guardians

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Summary request: Daisy, Simmons, Piper, Davis and you meet the Guardians of the Galaxy on your spacetrip to find Fitz. 

Thanks for requesting! Hope their personalities turned out okay :)

''What if our human bodies can't take this and we die?'' Davis worried aloud, following your small group off the stairs and into the vague alien bar you had found. 

The search for Fitz was still fruitless and it had been a couple months already. Everyone needed a break, but Jemma wasn't too keen to spend hours doing nothing but drink and have fun.

You understood but needed a moment to breathe, like everyone else. Davis had only gotten more obnoxious and he and Piper were bantering more often than not. The mood in the plane was not as it should be and Daisy had thought a night out on this weird alien planet deep into the galaxy was the solution to that. 

You were not so sure, but to be honest, you could use something to drink.

''At least we'll go out drunk,'' Daisy spoke from the front of the row, not glancing back but instead taking in the bright flashing lights in the club. Okay it turned out to be more of a nightclub than a bar, which was also fine. If there was loud music and alcohol, it was perfect.

You snickered as you followed her, careful not to trip on the stairs in the dark. ''That is the most Daisy thing I've ever heard.''

The club was filled with weirdly dressed and strangely shaped... beings. Different colors of skin, different textures of skin, horns, tails, long ass nails and teeth, big noses or none at all, things with a lot of limbs, but also aliens who looked surprisingly like humans, like the green woman sitting at the bar. 

Her dark hair faded into a vibrant purple tie-dye and her bare arms were toned. She was a warrior and did not look like she was having fun at all. 

Daisy paid no attention to her or any of the other people as she pushed through the crowds and stopped next to her, waving the bartender over. While Daisy asked him what we could drink here, a man on the other side of the green woman looked you up and down in a very offensive way. 

You did your best to ignore him, but when he stood and tapped on your shoulder, it was impossible to. 

You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to speak. He had a long leather jacket on, weirdly shaped facial hair and... headphones around his neck? Also a huge gun on his hip. 

A scavenger, great. 

Confidently, with his hand on his gun, he smiled at you, trying to be seductive. ''I am Star-Lord, who are you?''

Daisy stifled her laugh behind you. ''I am taken and not interested,'' you responded dryly. You swore the corner of the green woman's mouth pulled up. 

''Ouch Quill, you should really go for people more your level, maybe that yellow blob of a creature in the corner has a free bunk for you.'' A high pitched voice came from your other side and you turned to see a small raccoon on a bar stool. A talking raccoon, could it get any weirder? 

The woman with the purple hair stood from her stool until she stood next to you and pushed the man back slightly, a reprimanding scowl on her face. ''Leave the lady alone, Peter.''

He pouted like a wounded puppy, gesturing to the five people at the bar who had no idea what was happening. ''But they're from Earth!''

With one hand outstretched to keep him at a distance, the woman glanced at you and the rest of the group. ''I'm sorry about him, he doesn't know when to shut up and leave people alone.''

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