Fox 18

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(My roommate found this photo from last year before Snowman passed away. It was awesome to see his sass again. I miss my stubborn cloud boy. 

Also, a lot of you guys have asked whether this is going to be a poly story or not. I honestly have no idea. I've been going back and forth with it so you'll just have to wait and see :P) 

The sound of harsh panting brought Fox uncomfortably out of his dream. 

Really Henry? 

At least he didn't hear Noah at all. 

Can you jerk off in the bathroom or something? This is definitely not the alarm clock I wanted to wake up to today. 

Instead of the sound stopping or a snide remark being said, Fox heard an exhausted groan and reluctantly blinked open one eye very hesitantly. After some mental preparation and a self-reminder about where the soap is on the bathroom counter if he needed to wash his eyes out, Fox slowly let the one he'd opened move until he could see Henry's faint outline in the darkness. 

Wait a second. 

Blinking open his other eye, he stood up. After a brief stretch, he hopped off his bed of blankets and wandered over to where Henry was lying on the sofa. Noah had clearly gone to bed a while ago, and to Fox's surprise, had left Henry on the couch again. 

After a few brief, curious sniffs, he put his front paws on the edge of the sofa and lifted himself up enough to look down at the man. 

Oh, hey. Something isn't right. 

Leaning closer, Fox took another sniff, then flicked his left ear as he dropped back down to the carpet, then walked closer to Henry's legs. They were covered in a light blanket, but it had clearly been kicked about, likely because of whatever was affecting the man. 

Hey Henry? 

He wasn't really expecting a response, so when he didn't receive one right away he lifted himself up again near Henry's legs, then sniffed. 


Dropping back down, he carefully grabbed the edge of the blanket and tugged until it slid off to the floor. The faint smell of blood grew exponentially once the barrier was gone, leaving the man's dark soaked pant leg in plain view. 

Hey Noah? 

When silence was his only response, Fox flattened his ears and twitched his nose. Even if he was able to shift right then, he wouldn't be all that useful. He wasn't the best at using his fingers yet, and still kind of just pawed at things. 

Walking in a circle a few times, Fox considered a few options. He could bite Henry, which would probably work, but add another issue that would need dealt with. The next thought that came to mind was scratching at Noah's door, but the man could be hard to wake up, especially after a long day at work. Add the stress of the bad day he'd had? 

Doubt destroying the lower half of his door is going to help. 

He found himself wandering over to Noah's door anyway, but then was lost on what to do from there. Eventually, he dropped his bum to the carpet and huffed. 

If he hears my human voice maybe he will wake up easier, but I don't feel my other half anywhere near the surface. 

It tended to be the farthest thing from his mind, honestly. 

Hey... you? Me? Human me. I need you to come out now.

Much to not his surprise, nothing happened. 

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