Fox 11

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Fox snuggled up against solid warmth as he yawned, then stretched with a content sigh, his whiskers twitching every so slightly as they brushed firm skin. 

So comfortable. 

After a few moments of contentment he opened his tired eyes... to nothing. Sitting up, Fox looked down at his hands, only to find that they were paws again. Twitching his left ear, he leaned down and licked one, then tilted his head. He was glad that he was a fox again, but had he actually even been a human earlier?  

"Are you okay, Fox?" 

Ah, the vegetarian. 

Fox's belly grumbled as he quickly moved to the edge of the bed, then hopped down before walking up to the door and scratching at it lightly. A moment later it was opening to reveal Henry with a plate of hell yes. 

"I see that you're back as a fox," he stated as he set the plate down and stood back up. 

Fox dug in without a second thought. As he devoured the first pancake of the stack he considered the man's words. So he had been human earlier. That was a bit of information he had really hoped would be part of the odd dream he'd been having before waking up, but it appeared that he wasn't that lucky. 

Wonder where Noah went. 

As the second pancake went down the hatch, Henry replied to his thought. "I told him not to, but he actually went out to buy you some clothing and other stuff I know that you'd find useless once you shifted back."

Smart vegetarian. 

"My name is Henry, by the way. I'm sure you've heard it enough to know that, though. Either way, he should be ba—" the sound of the door opening, then shutting a few moments later drew their attention down the hall. Fox made sure to quickly clean his plate before sticking his head out of the bedroom door to look toward the entryway. 

Noah appeared a minute later with two large bags, one in each hand. He had an excited grin on his face... until he saw Fox. 

"He changed back already?" 

Nope. Still a human. Can't you see my awesome fingers and dick? Well, I still have that in animal form, but it's definitely not as visible. He paused in his thoughts for a moment, then finished, we'll just go with my fingers. I don't have those anymore. 

Shaking his head, Henry walked past Noah, taking one of the bags on his way to plop it down by the sofa, then sit down to sort through it. Fox meandered over, too, curious about what was in the bag. He'd been quite frustrated over the past few days. Tearing up a few things would definitely help him relax a bit.

"Do you really prefer to stay as a fox? You really don't want to be human just for a little while?" Noah asked as he lifted a dark red T-shirt with a blue trim out of the bag, frowning at the fabric.  

I am a fox. Of course I prefer to stay as myself. 

Noah scowled, but Fox just twitched his nose and reached up to grab at the edge of the shirt with his teeth. It was jerked away a second before he could snatch it, making Fox pin his ears back and grumble. 

"If you want the shirt, you're going to wear it, not shred it," Noah stated with a determination that Fox wanted to piss on. He wasn't shifting so that he could wear a stupid human shirt!  

I'm not wearing that dumb thing. 

Swishing his tail with indignation, Fox sauntered over to the back sliding door and pawed at it, wanting to go out. Of course, neither man got up to open it, and he honestly hadn't expected them to. They were, after all, waiting for that social worker to come back and ask him if he wanted to go with him or stay with Noah and Henry for the time being. 

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