Fox 23

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(Racquetball was not impressed by the impromptu vet visit.) 

Fox was awake in three seconds flat when he heard the sound of a key being inserted into the front door. He was snug up against cigarette man on the couch, both of them having clearly moved around quite a bit. 

Amos had his head on the armrest with one arm draped over Fox's side. Thankfully, there was a blanket between them, and he didn't even really mind at that moment since Owen was finally there! 

The second the door opened his body shifted and he bolted from Amos' loose hold. 

Owen! I tried to wait for you but I fell asleep but I woke up when I heard you coming in! 

He bounded over to the other man, just barely holding himself back from climbing his pant-leg. Instead, he danced around on his paws, spinning in circles and swishing his tail every few seconds as he tried to contain his excitement. 

Can you pet me? I came over to see you. I've been working on my shifting but I'm too excited to get a hold of my human side. But I can do it later for you. Amos helped me. He's not terrible. 

"I feel like your mind is going a mile a minute, buddy. Give me just a few moments and I'd be glad to give you some attention," Owen said with a tired smile as he carefully set his backpack and another slightly larger duffle bag down near the sofa. 

Fox followed him, his body nearly vibrating as he paced around the area. 

"Trying to take my fox from me, mm?" Amos mumbled, his voice deep with sleep as he slowly opened his eyes halfway. 

Owen shook his head and dropped down onto the couch, ignoring Amos' feet as he nudged them a bit farther back so he had room. 

"I don't know. I think he prefers me," Owen said as he finally gestured for Fox to join him. 

In a blur of fluffy fur, Fox did so immediately. He knew that Owen's own fox was watching through his eyes, though, so he did scale his greeting back as much as he could manage. 

"You're a squirmy thing for having just woken up. Miss me that much?" he asked as he wrapped Fox in a tight hug, then began stroking his head gently as Fox rested his chin on the young man's shoulder, taking in his scent. 

Amos finally decided to sit up, but it took him a bit since he just kept flopping back over with a tired groan. When he did manage to stay upright, it put him partially behind Owen, after a bit of intentional maneuvering, allowing him to drop his forehead onto the man's other shoulder. 

"Interesting sandwich we've got going here," Owen mused, though Fox could tell that he wasn't too much of a fan of Amos's arms wrapping around his middle. 

There was a tired chuckle from Amos as he relented and leaned back. 

"You really don't want this guy, Fox. He's way too dominant and tends to nip when he doesn't get his way," he teased as Owen grumbled at him over his shoulder. 

"I wouldn't bite you so often if you didn't try to annoy my fox. You know darn well he'll never be submissive, especially with his vision problem." 

Amos smirked like the brat Fox was figuring him out to be, then flopped back over... but not before grabbing Owen around the middle again and dragging him down with him. Fox, obviously, had to come along for the ride since he was already being held, even tighter now, against Owen's chest. 

The man's actions put Owen on the inside of the couch, but as an angry growl started to grow from the slightly smaller man's chest, Amos quickly flipped them both so that Owen was comfortably lying on top of his chest. 

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