Fox 3

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(Happy holidays from Pepperjack and Racquetball. They take pictures better for my friend than for me lol ) 

There is something in my butt that is not supposed to be there. 

Fox tried to snarl, but his mouth felt like it was fastened shut. He squinted one eye open, then closed it with a pathetic wine. Everything was blurry and way too bright. 

"Alright, got it. There's not much, though. Hopefully it will be good enough for the test," a voice to his left said, making Fox try to growl again, but his ears were met with silence. 

"We really should take this tape off so that I can check his mouth. He's emaciated and could have dental issues if he's been in animal form for a while," the unfamiliar voice said before being answered by one that had Fox forcing an eye open again. 

"Trust me, he doesn't have any trouble eating. He killed my cat last night." 

Night? I was out all night? 

There was a quiet sigh before Fox felt something slowly move away from around his mouth that he hadn't even noticed. Hands then began tugging at something on his face that was clearly wrapped around his muzzle. It pulled painfully at his fur, but whoever was doing it was thankfully being careful.   

"You told me, but you brought him to me to check over and see if we can figure out why he can't change and why he's so skinny. Clearly he can attack something and kill it, but you said that he threw up and passed out a short time after that?" the man said before the familiar voice replied. 

"Yes. He threw up and fell over, but I think part of that was my fault. I was so mad that he'd killed my cat and I didn't want him to bite or claw me when I picked him up, so when I grabbed him I just shook him nonstop until I got him inside my house." 

There was a quiet chuckle as the tape was finally completely removed, freeing his jaws. The muscles were too tired to move it more than a slight quiver, though. 

"It'll be alright, little guy. We'll figure this out and get you back to normal," the unfamiliar voice said before gently petting his head a few times. 

I am normal. I don't need to be a human just to be content with my life. 

The light above his head was making it hard for him to see beyond the man's white coat, but the strong scent of animals that was filtering into his nose told him that he had to be at a veterinary clinic. He would have considered animal control, too, but he couldn't hear any barking at all. 

I must have really been out for him to be able to tape my mouth shut, then carry me all the way here. 

"The test came back positive for several kinds of worms, but thankfully no heart worm. The amount he has, though, could definitely be part of the reason he's so thin," another voice said, this one female. 

Fox felt the man's fingers gently begin to open his mouth and finally managed to get out a slightly audible warning growl. 

"I see that the anesthesia is wearing off. I'm just going to take a look inside your mouth and make sure that there's nothing bad going on," the man said as he held Fox's mouth open just enough to be uncomfortable. He poked around for a few more moments, then released him. 

"It's not terrible, but you definitely need to get a dental done if you can't shift soon. You're teeth have a lot of tarter built up." 

They still work. 

To try and prove his point, Fox growled a second time, then gave a pathetic lunge toward the man's fingers. He barely made it a few inches before his legs refused to hold his light body up any longer, depositing him back down onto the cold metal table with a squeaky grunt. He got a pat on his head for the effort, the attention souring his mood even further. 

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