Fox 42

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(What did I do all day at work today? Drew my dogs, cause I couldn't get onto the necessary computer system lol.) 

"Why hello there, my little Foxy friend," came a voice from behind him that Fox knew immediately. 

He turned around, a bit surprised to see Pyre standing there in a pair of torn black pants and a matching, but not turn, heavy black winter jacket. The kid was also wearing a black knit hat pulled down over half his bangs. 

"Pyre, why are you here?" Fox asked as Henry and Noah eyed the guy. 

Pyre walked closer, grinning at his fathers before looking back down at Fox. 

"Came to have fun, of course." 

He looked Henry and Noah up and down again, then returned his attention to Fox, clearly confused.

"These guys are...?" 

Fox quickly spun around, nearly smacking Pyre with the huge stuffed fox Henry had relinquished to him earlier. 

"This is Noah, my dad!" he said cheerfully, then turned to look at Henry. 

"This is Henry... he's my vegetarian." 

Pyre raised an eyebrow. 

"That's not something you generally introduce someone as... but I'll still accept the answer. Are you guys hanging around for the bonfire?" 

Fox looked up at Noah and the guy shrugged. 

"Do you wan to see it? It should be starting pretty soon in that main area we saw right after we entered," he said with a smile. 

If it gives me more time with Noah... and I guess Henry, too, I'm down. 

He also enjoyed spending time, although preferably-limited, with Pyre, too. 

"We can go look," he said right before Pyre reached forward and took his free hand, since Noah had somehow let it go in the past few minutes. 

Noah didn't look too happy to see Pyre holding it, but as the guy started swinging Fox's hand and talking about the schoolwork he threw in the trash earlier that night, he seemed to relax a little. Of course, Fox could hear him discussing bits and pieces of Pyre's clear delinquency through their bond to Henry, but he paid it no mind. School didn't get you everywhere. It was Pyre's decision to do what he did. He knew that he shouldn't but nothing he said was going to stop him, so he'd just accept the guy as is. 

The bonfire was already starting to reach toward the clouds as they approached, drawing Fox's attention like a moth to a flame. It was quite an impressive sight. Of course, he'd seen a few in his days, but never dared get so close... people, and what not. 

Now that he had three people surrounding him whom he trusted, he didn't hesitate to walk closer, stopping at the small chain-link fence that was set up to prevent small children, or foxes, from getting too close. 

"Hey Fox, what happened to that guy from before? You mentioned that it was your brother?" Pyre asked, leaning closer to his ear so that neither Henry nor Noah could hear him. 

Fox held back a frown as he thought about it. He hadn't seen his brother since then, but that didn't mean much anymore. The guy was a creeper and getting disturbingly good at stalking. He hadn't even been able to go to school since he'd showed up a bit ago and chased after him and Pyre. 

For some reason, he suddenly didn't want to be out in the open anymore. Sure, there were tons of people around them, but as he began looking around the massive fire at the actual faces blurring in the bright light, he could tell that something wasn't right. 

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