Fox 30

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It hurts. 

"Took you long enough." 

That voice is uncomfortably familiar. 

"He had like, four dudes protecting him! It was ridiculous," his brother replied to the other voice as he yanked the bag he was in up into the air. 

The female voice laughed as the two started walking, swinging his bag as if he were just a few simple snacks from the grocery store. 

I'm hungry, but I'd probably puke if I ate anything... I should eat a lot and throw up on them. 

"Are you positive that he's Adam, by the way?" 

Oh, crap. That's my sister's voice. Good to know that crazy runs in the family. 

There was an annoyed sound from his brother before the guy responded; "Positive. There's no mistaking his markings and I've been following him long enough to know his behavior and appearance." 

Fox felt himself bump against one of their legs a few times as he was swung. He contemplated biting it, but he knew that the action would probably earn him another slam to the concrete, and he didn't think that his throbbing skull could take a second hit. 

I will be a good, pretend-sleeping fox. 

"You have everything ready, I take it?" his brother asked as they started walking on some sort of uneven ground. 

His sister answered with a cheerful, "yep!"

Oh? Is this a late birthday party? Will I be getting presents? 

Of course, he knew that his thoughts were bullshit. His siblings were likely plotting a way to kill him, since his brother had already tried to run him over with his car. 

They stopped after a short while, then dropped him to the ground. Fox bit back a squeak of surprise, not wanting to give away that he'd been awake for a while. 

"You've triple checked the insurance policy and made sure that everything is good to go?" his brother asked. 

The sound of a car door slamming echoed around him, then Fox heard an electronic window rolling down. 

"Of course. Accidental death is covered, and no one is going to question a fox being hit by a car on a busy road. Let's just get this done, then drop him somewhere along the highway before reporting it. We need to make sure that he's been dead a while before the authorities get to him." 

Love you too, sis. 

The sound of tires crunching on fallen branches and leaves made Fox's ears twitch. 

I know I love pancakes but I don't want to be one. Time to do something. And you really couldn't think of something else after already trying the car thing? 

He twitched his ears back and forth as he clawed at the bottom of the bag. The fabric was tough, but his nails managed to tear a few decent holes in it at the cost of cutting up some of the skin around his claws. It would be a small price to pay if he could save his own life. 

The car moved away for a short time, but then it stopped and Fox suddenly felt a shoe pressing him down into the dirt. 

"Stay still. It will hurt less if we only have to hit you once." 

That is a fact, but I think I'll take my chances at not getting hit at all. 

Fox swung his head around in the bag, somehow managing to bite part of the shoe that was holding him down. His brother yelped and the shoe was removed, but not a second later he felt it connect with his side and send him tumbling a short distance away. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now