Fox 37

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(I don't really write pervy stuff... but here's a little bit, I guess?) 

The feeling of the bed rocking brought Fox slowly out of his sleep-induced coma. His eyes were blurry as they creaked open, but no matter how many times he blinked, he couldn't get the images in front of him to clear. 

It was obvious who it was, though. There were only two other people in the bed. 

Holding his breath, he watched as the blurry figure on top rocked against the smaller figure on the bottom. The sounds from the bottom person were growing higher pitched with each push from the upper, while the person on top grunted with more effort during each motion of his hips. 

The whole scene, though blurry, made Fox's mouth dry as he tried to swallow down saliva that had suddenly vanished. 

"Mm, little Fox..." 

Fox blinked, confused as to where the voice was coming from. Neither of the two people before him paid him any mind. They were clearly far too distracted with each other. 

"Fox, can you wake up for me?" 


Blinking, Fox slowly began to come around. He expected to see a tiny bit of light streaming in through the closed blinds, but when everything remained shrouded in darkness, he realized that it was still the middle of the night. 

Once he managed to blink away most of the blurriness from sleep, he realized that someone was leaning close to him. 

"Amo?" he whispered, confused as to why the man had woken him up. Not that he didn't appreciate it, that was quite a heavy dream, especially for him. 

The guy leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. 

"You were having quite the naughty dream," he whispered, making Fox's face heat uncomfortably. 

Now that Amos mentioned it, though, he was definitely awkwardly hard beneath the blankets... and that's also when he realized that he was pretty much glued to Amos' side with one of the man's larger legs between his smaller two. 

Oh god. I was humping him. 

"Please tell me I wasn't..." he groaned back quietly, already knowing the answer but not really wanting to hear it. 

Amos chuckled and leaned back as he bumped his hips forward, easily nudging Fox's body back a little. 

"Like a bunny, not that I mind. You were getting me pretty stiff just feeling it," he said, only a slight hint of teasing to his voice. 

Fox couldn't blame him this time. He'd totally just humped the guy awake because of an awkward dream. 

"I... should probably go to the bathroom, then sleep on the couch," he mumbled as he slowly sat up and tried to get out from beneath the blankets. He really felt like he should be put in time-out. 

He could feel sexual tension between their bond, but thankfully the guy didn't try to touch him anywhere inappropriate. He did, however, gently grasp his shoulder when he tried to move over him to get out of bed. 

"Sit for a moment?" he asked, not holding him tightly, but simply requesting that he didn't leave yet. 

Fox was still pretty hard, so he had no issue with keeping that part of himself beneath the blankets for the time being. 

"I just wanted to know, if you are okay with answering... What were you dreaming about?" 

Feeling his heart jump up into his throat, Fox looked away, even though he knew that Amos wouldn't be able to see his eyes in the darkness. He could partially see the other man's, since his fox tended to have great vision. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now