Fox 21

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"Do you really think he's a rever?" an unfamiliar voice asked in a whisper, drawing Fox out of his sleep. 

Where am I?

Fox blinked open his eyes, only to see nothing. The darkness startled him, but he took a minute to go back through his fuzzy memories before panicking. The smell of cigarettes, though faint, had him acknowledging his situation. 

"I'm pretty sure of it. He's not comfortable around people at all," cigarette man replied, making Fox finally nudged his way through the blankets until he felt cool air hit his face. 

There was only one light on that he could see, which was a lamp over by the sofa where cigarette man and a person he didn't know sat next to each other. The new man was shorter, with glasses and light brown hair that wasn't styled at all. 

"I believe your friend is awake," the new man said quietly as he glanced up from the computer he had in his lap. 

When their eyes met, Fox immediately ducked back beneath the blankets, though he wasn't sure why. The guy was all the way across the room, yet he couldn't stop his own reaction to him. 

Is this guy good or bad? 

He somewhat trusted cigarette man, as long as he didn't try to pick him up again anytime soon, but his father and the new person? Not a chance. Especially not with the way he was looking at him. 

It's not creepy or anything, but then what is it? 

"Wow, I think you're right," the new man said as the sound of him shutting his laptop met his ears before he heard it being set down on the glass table in front of them. "I've never met another one." 

"Right? He's being looked after by two guys at the moment, and I called them earlier to make sure that they knew he was safe, but I thought that maybe you would want to meet him, and he might want to meet you." 

Yeah, no. 

"He doesn't seem interested right now, though," the new man said with a chuckle as Fox's eared flicked, listening to both of them get up and make their way toward the kitchen. 

The sound of the refrigerator opening had Fox's stomach grumbling, and eventually, drew him to peak out of the blankets again, this time toward the kitchen. Both men weren't paying him any mind this time, giving him a chance to take in the situation. 

"One of the people who look after him said that he likes pancakes and brought over a huge stack," cigarette man said as he pulled a large plate out of the fridge. "He plans to come back and pick him up after one of them is off work."

Oh, hello. I knew you loved me Noah! 

The plate held at least six massive chocolate chip pancakes on it. Just the sight of them drew Fox to sit up, making some of the blankets slip to the floor while a few remained wrapped around him or sloppily atop his head like a skewed hood. 

The motion brought two sets of eyes to him immediately. The attention was rewarded with a warning growl and bared teeth. He wouldn't be holding back anymore. If either of them tried to touch him, they were going to get bitten. 

"I think he's had enough of my attention for the year," cigarette man said as he set the large plate of food down on the counter. 

"Do you want me to heat them up?" he asked Fox with a small smile. 

Fox quickly shook his head. He didn't care if they were hot or not. He knew that the man who made them was darn good at it, and it meant a lot that he had actually cooked and brought them by before he had to go to work. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now